Admiral, we have a lot to discuss.

Fuentes [to Tom]

This wasn't on you, Ensign.

Slattery [to Clayton]

Slattery: Lima Team, what is your status?
Sasha: Our status is livid, Admiral. Why weren't we jamming those artillery batteries?

Tom: Good luck.
Sasha: Hoo-rah.

  • Permalink: Hoo-rah.
  • Added:

Burk: We haven't sprung any leaks. That's a good thing.
Kara: Roger that.

Tom: When's the last time you jumped?
Danny: On purpose? I don't know. Six or seven years?
Tom: It's like falling off a bike.

Kelsey: I don't know where else to go.
Elli: A police station would be a start.

Tom: How am I suddenly a stranger in my own home?
Ashley: When haven't you been a stranger? The two of you, you're like these war machines. Everything is this mission for you.

If Gustavo didn't come here for us, he came to invade. Which means he brought an army.


Now I can't promise that the fight won't be hard, and I can't say it will end anytime soon. But I can say with absolute certainty we will prevail.


Losing friends is what makes war war. We honor them by continuing to fight so we don't lose anyone else.

Tom [to Clayton]

Tom: The U.S. Navy may be down, but we're not out.
Slattery: Damn right. Besides, it's not the ships that count. It's the warriors they carry.

The Last Ship Season 5 Quotes

Mr. Swain, how is it my brightest student is always the last one to turn in his assignments?

Tom [to Swain]

We have to think different because we are different. We are warriors.

Tom [to midshipmen]