Jeff: Me and Lisa didn't exactly have the best marriage. I'd rather not get dragged back into her drama, if you catch my drift.
Mickey: Wh-- Drama? I mean, you two fight a lot? I know she could have a bit of a temper.

Mickey: Judge, um, sidebar? Please?
Judge Sandy: You see the size of this room, Mr. Haller? We can all hear everything. But if you'd like to pretend we're downtown, you're welcome to speak in hushed whispers by my chair.

Man: Where do you want this?
Mickey: How many more are there?
Man: About 80 total, give or take.
Mickey: Eighty more boxes?
Man: No, sandwiches.

Okay, let's be clear on something. Lisa is a client. Nothing more, nothing less. Like any client, she deserves our full scrutiny. You think she's guilty? Go ahead, make your case.


Lorna: I don't wanna say this out loud, but sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. Maybe Lisa did it.
Mickey: Why wouldn't you say that out loud?
Lorna: Because you've never represented someone you've slept with, and we're all watching what we say around here. because you're not exactly unbiased.

Andrea: Judge, the defense would like to paint his client as some folk hero, but that doesn't change the fact that the victim filed a temporary restraining order against her. This is a dangerous individual.
Judge: I've heard enough. We're splitting the difference. Bail will be set at two million dollars.

Henry: Henry Dahl. Nice to meet you.
Lisa: Henry's a podcast producer. He interviewed me a few months back for a story about gentrification.
Mickey: Podcasts?
Henry: You might've heard of Murder on the Hudson. It was in The New York Times' top 10 for three months. It was a huge hit.

Lisa: I'm not a murderer. You believe me, right?
Mickey: Lisa, I'm your attorney right now. I'll tell you what I tell every client. It doesn't matter what I think. It's irrelevant.

Unfortunately, your retainer ran out. So, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to find yourself another lawyer. Oh, and Russell, just so you know, I have clients in every prison in California. Very loyal clients. If anything were to happen to my family, I'd make sure a few of them pay you a visit.

Mickey [to Russell]

Detective: What else do you remember? Anything specific about the attack?
Glory Days: He grabbed me from behind, put a knife against my throat.
Detective Griggs: Right-handed? Left-handed?
Glory Days: Left. His tattoo was on the left forearm. Yeah, that's close. Uh, his face was not as long, and his nose was not as wide, maybe.
Detective Griggs: So, you got a good look at him?
Glory Days: Just for a second.

You don't remember me, do you? I was a first-year in your torts class a few years ago. I was so intimidated by you. You were the best professor in this school. I felt so lucky to get a spot, and then you started to notice me. You called on me all the time. You made me feel like I was the smartest person in the class. Until you made a pass at me in your office, and I turned you down. Remember that? I don't know if you meant to make me feel like shit after that, or if it just happened, or if some of it was in my head. But I do know that what you did was wrong. I let you make me doubt myself. But that's over now.


Legal: The worst part is the conflict of interest. You-- The hypothetical lawyer. He's gotta withdraw from representing the innocent client.
Mickey: I was afraid you were gonna say that.
Legal: There's no way around it.

The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Quotes

Mickey: Russell?What the fuck are you doing here?
Russell: I didn't wanna break another window, so I hopped the fence. I gotta say, today was amazing. I mean, I know you're good, but that was… [kisses] …something else.
Mickey: I don't know what you want, exactly, but--
Russell: Okay. You should probably hear me out. After all, you are my attorney. Paid an extra retainer to make sure of that, so I think that I probably want what any client wants, Mickey. I want your expert legal help. Being a lawyer, it comes with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, doesn't it? Like, the duty of confidentiality. That's the big one, right? The one where anything I say becomes our little secret, and you can't tell anybody, especially not the police. So, Martha Renteria had it coming. That bitch got exactly what she deserved. And then someone else went down for it, and he's about to go down for it again. But the best part is, now,bthere's nothing you can do about it.

I know what you're thinking. "The parking garage? Again?"
