Ted and me. My two twin daughters. The family that should've been.


When our embryos split, you got all the heart.

Sutton [to Emma]

You wanna know another surprise? I'm getting pretty good at telling you two apart...Emma.


Sutton: So you don't believe in destiny?
Ethan: I can't. I've been burned by it too many times.

Honest is not another one of my fortes.


Why do you allow yourself to be continually punked by that girl?

Mads [to Ethan]

Jordan is a bit of a wild card, and that's the last thing we need right now.


Sutton: So it's totally cool if Ethan and I give in to the obvious chemistry between us?
Emma: Yes. It's so fine. Sutton, he is all yours.

Rebecca: Look, that boy is distracting you, taking your focus off the plan. The only man needing seducing is Ted.
Sutton: Ew. I know like one big happy family, but ew.

Mads: If you knew about the twins, why didn't you say anything?
Alec: Because I'm protecting them. Because there's a killer still out there who doesn't want the secret of the twins known. It's the same person who killed Derek that put me in here.

You and I broke up, remember? So you lost the right to ask me that.


Tonight was kind of amazeballs and I hope it was amazeballs for you, too


The Lying Game Quotes

You definitely got the smart half of the embryo.


I always say that "Hope is grief's best music."


The Lying Game Music

  Song Artist
Off The Wall Cham Pain iTunes
For Romance Magic Bullets iTunes
When The World Plays Tricks On You The Light Brigade iTunes