All I wanted was for this to be over, for us to be sister. Real sisters, Sutton.


Emma: You're a vindictive bitch.
Sutton: Gosh there's that twin thing again! I was about to say the same exact thing.

Hell hath no fury like a twin scorned.


I really and truly believe that Sutton is a crazy force of nature, but I also think that the only way she's gonna accept you is if you stand up to her.


Nothing good ever happened without a fight, right?

Lexi [to Emma]

Win at all costs, right dad?


Look I know how she thinks, after a fight like that, she'll regroup, she'll plan something, some kind of revenge.

Thayer [about Sutton]

I think we all know that once Sutton gets something in her head, she doesn't give up.


Maybe she actually cares about them, more than Sutton ever did.

Ethan [about Emma]

Rebecca: Some things never change.
Alec: But you have.

All that crazy stuff you and Alec did in high school, I wonder how many other people drove out of town.

Kristen [to Ted]

I always say that "Hope is grief's best music."


The Lying Game Quotes

You definitely got the smart half of the embryo.


I always say that "Hope is grief's best music."


The Lying Game Music

  Song Artist
Off The Wall Cham Pain iTunes
For Romance Magic Bullets iTunes
When The World Plays Tricks On You The Light Brigade iTunes