A chemical weapons expert wants to kill me. I make the worst enemies.


I don't believe this many people could keep something like this a secret.


I don't think it's fetishizing to admire people who signed up to fight a couple of wars neither you or I wanted to dirty our hands with.


If he doused the studio in kerosene and lit a tikki torch it wouldn't have done as much damage as Genoa so where is the complexity? Where is the nuance?


You can't be stupid and afford haircuts this good. I need you to tell me this is exactly as insane as it is.


Mac: I don't believe it either and I also don't believe in Santa Claus but if I saw eight reindeer take flight...
Jim: But you haven't seen eight reindeer. You've talked to someone who's said he's seen eight reindeer.

Sloan: It couldn't matter less but Santa has nine reindeer.
Don: Rudolph.

I think it happened and I think we're two inches away from proving it.


Will: Why does a politician take polls?
Sloan: To find out what people want him to say the next day.

Gen. Stomtonovich: Were you texting?
Mac: No sir, it was general negligence.

It doesn't make much difference to the collateral damage whether it's damaged by gas or a hell fire missile.

Gen. Stomtonovich

I don't know how many years I have left after this thing goes to air.

Gen. Stomtonovich

The Newsroom Quotes

This is more than unprofessional, it's uncivilized and more than that, it's unprofessional.

First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.
