I don't think it's fetishizing to admire people who signed up to fight a couple of wars neither you or I wanted to dirty our hands with.


If he doused the studio in kerosene and lit a tikki torch it wouldn't have done as much damage as Genoa so where is the complexity? Where is the nuance?


You can't be stupid and afford haircuts this good. I need you to tell me this is exactly as insane as it is.


Mac: I don't believe it either and I also don't believe in Santa Claus but if I saw eight reindeer take flight...
Jim: But you haven't seen eight reindeer. You've talked to someone who's said he's seen eight reindeer.

Sloan: It couldn't matter less but Santa has nine reindeer.
Don: Rudolph.

I think it happened and I think we're two inches away from proving it.


Will: Why does a politician take polls?
Sloan: To find out what people want him to say the next day.

Gen. Stomtonovich: Were you texting?
Mac: No sir, it was general negligence.

It doesn't make much difference to the collateral damage whether it's damaged by gas or a hell fire missile.

Gen. Stomtonovich

I don't know how many years I have left after this thing goes to air.

Gen. Stomtonovich

Mac: Why don't you just ask her out?
Don: After she's gone out with a professional athlete who's ten years younger than I am with 3% body fat and ripped muscles that have been conditioned over you know a life time of two a day sweating in the hot sun.

I think the way you know you've broken one of God's rules is when you can't put it back together again.


The Newsroom Season 2 Quotes

She better get unmessed up in a hurry because she's a character witness and she looks like the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.


Halliday: What happened to her hair?
Will: I don't know. Women try things.