Maggie: If it goes to voicemail after two rings, they saw your name and sent you to voicemail.
Sloan: OK, I have to retrace my entire life now.

If there was a way to blame it on you don't you think I would have done that by now?


She doesn't like you and she has a crush on me. She's going to get married and stab her husband one day, but that's beside the point.


Jerry: Do you want to lead or do you want to follow?
Mac: He wants to follow.
Will: And barely that.

Mac, fire me or send me to New Hampshire!


Is this brutally awkward?


Charlie: You're a nerd and I'm a nerd and you make nerds look bad.
Sloan: No, I make nerds look good.

Mac: These guys are drunk every night.
Charlie: They're 23. They're on a bus in Nashua. They're drunk in the mornings too.

Will: We'll be back after this.
Mac: That's optimistic.

Halliday: Fourteen months ago you went on the air and called the Tea Party the American Taliban.
Will: I did.
Halliday: And?
Will: The Taliban resented it.

If 17 different things hadn't conspired in just the right order we wouldn't be sitting here.


She better get unmessed up in a hurry because she's a character witness and she looks like the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.


The Newsroom Season 2 Quotes

She better get unmessed up in a hurry because she's a character witness and she looks like the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.


Halliday: What happened to her hair?
Will: I don't know. Women try things.