Welcome to the family.


It's official. You are reborn.


I like you, Thomas. You see everything, and say nothing.

Carol Langbourne

Becoming a man is realizing it's all rotten. Realizing how to celebrate that rottenness..now that's freedom.


Alternatively, fill your pockets with stones, walk into the sea and keep going.


I'm not happy about this investigation into my personal life, and, quite frankly, I'm bored with your hospitality.


Married for six months. We can assume not a triumph.


Jed: She must've been in so much pain.
Roper: Yeah, well, she's caused a lot of other people pain too. We'll have to reschedule that meeting.

When you're better, I will hood you and hang you up by those lovely ankles until the truth falls out of you by gravity.


You drink my wine, you steal my woman. Proud of you, Danny.


There is half a psychopath lurking in there, Jonathan. I ant you to find him and stick to him.


Just remember one thing, honey. You're nothing but a dirty whore.

Jed's mom

The Night Manager Season 1 Quotes

Sophie: Have you always been the night manager?
Jonathan: It's my profession, yes.
Sophie: You chose it?
Jonathan: I think it chose me.
Sophie: It's a shame. You look fine by the light.

Freddie Hamid is everything the protesters hate. Incredibly wealthy. Corrupt to the core.

Sophie Alekan