Felix: Well today I take a stand for every boy that was limber and laughed at.
Emily: Maybe don't do a ballet pose when you say that?
Felix: It's just the way my body rests.

Felix: You just wanted to beat me so you could feel superior. Well guess what sir, you have poked the dragon! And you would know what that means if you'd watched even one Game of Thrones with me.
Oscar: I don't need to watch the show to know that it's bad to poke the dragon.

Oscar: Felix do you even have a mitt?
Felix: I have an oven mitt.

Felix: Did you hear that? Very disturbing.
Dani: I know, you call them the Knickerbockers tonight you're gonna get stabbed dead in the men's room.

Felix: Teddy can we just get him out of there?
Teddy: It's live TV you meddling nerd.

I'm for anything that gets us into a real office. My mom wants to visit me at my job but working out of a single guy's spare bedroom seems a little sketchy.


Teddy: You already have a great job. You host a national radio show from your apartment. If you want you could do it naked, or eating a pizza, or getting a massage. If you play your cards right, you could do all three at once.
Oscar: That is the dream.

Sharon: I think I have to drop him as a patient.
Oscar: Oh no you can't, it'll break his heart.
Sharon: I'm sure he's got a cardiologist on speed dial.

Sorry, I'm a little off my game. Can I try this again with my pants on?


Felix: I took the liberty of starting your intake paperwork, but I was not comfortable filling out all of the sexual history.
Oscar: But you weren't afraid to sketch the mole on my back.
Felix: Not a sketch, more of a rubbing. You are a deep sleeper.
Oscar: Not anymore.

They're not gonna find anything. They're just gonna nag me about my diet and lack of exercise and I already have you for that.


Oscar: Felix, I need to park Emily here with you.
Emily: Maybe there's a bike rack you guys could chain me to.

The Odd Couple Quotes

Casey: Let me guess, another neighbor with your mail?
Oscar: No, you are the only woman in the building I'm stalking, I promise.

Oscar: Hot Casey from downstairs might be stopping by.
Dani: So you've moved from flirting in the elevator to an actual date?
Oscar: Sort of, I sneak some of my mail into her mailbox to force her to come by the apartment.
Dani: Aw, all the great romances start with the words "sneak" and "forced."