Seems we're officially orphans.


Cami: Drinking in front of a baby. New all-time low?
Vincent: You're the one who brought her into a bar.

Esther: You brought me back from the dead to torture me.
Elijah: My dear mother. We simply need your blood. Though in the event you end up suffering I can't say I won't enjoy it immensely.

Marcel: When this is over, you and I are gonna settle up.
Klaus: Provided we survive what's to come tonight, I look forward to it.

I suppose it's a family trait. Everything we love, we turn to ash.


Well, my adage holds. Nothing good ever happens in a clearing in the woods.


[to Marcel] Fair warning. If you're still compelled to kill me you've got a hell of a fight on your hands.


Jack, look. I know that I don't have to say this and I know that we're in a junkyard in the middle of nowhere which is the least romantic place to say this for the first time but I just want you to know that I love you.


Marcel: Go to Hell.
Klaus: If by Hell you mean somewhere you are betrayed by those you hold most dear, then it's from Hell I've just come. I didn't much care for it.

My whole life the witches of this city have lived in fear. Vampires run wild, children are sacrificed. Nobody took charge. Now be honest, have any of you ever stood up to the vampires? The Mikaelsons? No? Well I have, and I have won. Now I may be young, but the truth is I know better than anyone what we're up against, and I can build a peace or I can burn our enemies to the ground. The question isn't whether or not I should be made regent. The question is what the hell would you do without me?


[to Hayley] That's what family is. It's the people you're born to and the people you choose who stand beside you when things get hard. There's no place I'd rather be than right beside you, okay?


Family defines you even if it does demand sacrifice. My entire life I have longed for what you have. It is better to at least glimpse it facing death than run forever and know nothing of family.


The Originals Season 2 Quotes

Marcel: Gotta say, never thought I'd see the day vampires were kicked out of the quarter.
Cami: And I never thought I'd be sleeping with one so life is full of surprises.

Elijah: I suppose we shall have to call this your white period.
Klaus: I'm missing a crucial color in my palette, that of my enemies' blood.

The Originals Season 2 Music

  Song Artist
This Place Is A Shelter Olafur Arnalds iTunes
Occupy Your Mind Villagers iTunes
Easy Living Clifford Brown iTunes