Josh: Hey, sorry. We're closed.
Davina: Well, maybe you can make an exception.
Josh: Davina!
Davina: I don't know how long I have, but I have to see you to thank you.
Josh: To thank me? For what?
Davina: Visiting me.

Kol: I imagine right now you are very cross with me. I do have my reasons.
Klaus: Rebekah said to hear you out, but I'd rather rip out your vocal chords.

Marcel: Sofya hasn't awoken since The Hollow invaded her. You could at least feign sympathy.
Rebekah: Why? She shot me... multiple times.

Rebekah: No cell service to call your precious Sonya.
Marcel: Sofya.
Rebekah: Sorry, I can't remember the name of your trollops.

Jackson: There you are.
Hayley: Jackson?
Jackson: I've been waiting for you.

  • Permalink: Jackson?
  • Added:

I guess she knows we're here.


Klaus: What about Hope?
Freya: Compel her a nanny, we don't have another choice.

Hope: I don't want to.
Hayley: Are you scared it's going to hurt?
Hope: I'm scared if do this, you're going to pick a fight and The Hollow... she can hurt you.

You're the King of the city. Can't you condemn this dump?


Kol: Davina?
Davina: I'm right here.
Kol: For a moment, I thought...
Davina: It's okay. I'm still me. Flesh and blood... alive for now.

Nice job, sister. Maybe next time less carrot, more stick.


Have you lost your mind, or has The Hollow stolen it again?


The Originals Season 4 Quotes

Josh: Your Royal highness, and to what do I owe this great honor?
Marcel: Take it down a notch.

For a long time, we've managed to keep our monsters buried and we've got to make sure they stay buried. Otherwise, we will lose everything we've built. We will lose it forever.
