Elijah: A thousand years I have desperately tried to sway you towards some kind of reason.
Klaus: And for a thousand years, I've trusted you.
Elijah: So now what?

Elijah: I need you to fix this.
Vincent: I don't know how to fix this, Elijah!

Only her love for you and the joy and happiness you brought her.


We’re vampires, witches, other things


Is this the rest of my life? A rage that can only be quieted by violence?


There’s no perfect time, there’s just right now. And right now, I don’t want to spend another second without you. No more reuniting at funerals. No more astral projections from the Middle East. No more choosing between you and my family, because you are my family, Keelin. You are everything to me. So please… marry me.


We all make each other miserable!


[to Hayley] God, no!

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I’m cursed, and I’m angry. I don’t want you to promise to be by my side while I fester … because I love you, Marcel. That’s why I won’t let my sadness destroy you.


Rebekah: I’m not worried I’m going to kill you. There are far worse ways I could destroy you.
Marcel: You’re doing a pretty good job of it right now.

This family, hmm. We're a curse to each other and to our home. And I know she needs me, I see that now. But loving her brings her closer to death. And I want her to live. I want her to grow up. I want her to love and be a strong beautiful woman as her mother. And I don't know what to do. And I really wish that you were here to tell me, little wolf.


Elijah: You listen to me, okay? Anything happens to her, I won't ever forgive this.
Klaus: One doesn't need forgiveness from enemies. And that's where we are, you and I. We're certainly no longer family.

The Originals Season 5 Quotes

Vincent: Josh, I don't know how many times I have told you that what goes on in this city is no longer any of Marcel Gerard's business, okay? And guys, this is what I'm always talking about. Marcel means Rebekah, Rebekah means Kol and Elijah, and I don't even want to think about Klaus right now 'cos apparently he has lost his mind.
Freya: Oh, come on, we don't know if those rumors are true.

Vincent: Okay, so we should probably get back to Mardi Gras prep.
Josh: Aw, come on, Vincent, we got this, alright? It's gone off without a hitch for what, seven years?
Vincent: Josh, that's because we haven't taken it for granted in seven years.