There's more than two girls in the universe you know.


I think all of you guys are a little too young to be so serious about each other.

Kathleen [to Jack]

Adrian: You're the first person who hasn't treated me like I'm going to break.
Betty: Hunnie, you're already broken. What you went through, I mean it shatters people and you just have to put all the pieces back together again.

You're a mess. You're a big hot mess.


This is your home.

Ricky [to Amy]

You got married for the wrong reasons, maybe you'll stay together for the right ones.

Ricky [to Ben]

Going back to the way things were, seems like, I don't know, like not honoring my little girl.


Like I told Ashley yesterday, I'm happy, I'm really happy, so just let me be happy, ok?


We're young but we're really mature.


You got the business, I got the house, you gave me the house, I own it, you're just living here.

Anne [to George]

She's just a baby, an innocent little baby, who's taking care of her?


Amy: I think everyone's staring at us.
Ricky: Yeah I think they are.
Amy: What should we do?
Ricky: I think we should get used to it. Everybody's gonna be watching every move the four of us make.

The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 4 Quotes

I don't think the point is for it to be okay and for us to get over it. It's for us to live with it.


Adrian: Maybe I'll just take the GED like Ashley or something.
Ben: The Good Enough Degree? That's not good enough for my wife.