Have you ever held a baby? You know the feeling when you have them in your hands, and you feel the weight there, this helpless, fragile thing. And you get this jolt of fear because you know you could drop him. You could just let him go, let him break on the floor. The possibility is right there. So close. And you feel this dread like there's some part of you that you can't control that will drop him just to relieve you, just to make it go away. You know that feeling, don't you? We all do. You should lock us all up.


The ubermensch creates his own morality. Nietzche contends that our modern ways have led us to lose our faith. God is dead. It's up to the ubermensch to forge new values to live by. It's a challenge, one that required will and discipline.


I think you let Nick die because you didn't like that he had a hold on you. But he still does, doesn't he?


Phones, emails. That's no way to communicate. But when someone reaches out after... 18 years? After totally cutting you out? You want to look them in the eye when they try to explain themselves.


I'm a high school teacher living in the goddamned suburbs. I'm not driving around in the middle of the night digging graves for painters I don't know. What is it with you? You keep showing up at my house, pretending we're friends, and now you're harassing me? If you have evidence to incriminate me, haul me in. Otherwise, I'm going back inside to my wife.


Nick: Hey. This isn't really a good time.
Ambrose: You want to tell me why you dug a grave on Sonya Barzell's property?

Ambrose: So, this is all you saw?
Sonya: All I saw? It's a grave.

Jamie: Have you ever had a person in your life that was totally exciting but you knew they were bad for you? When you're around them, you feel more yourself, or the opposite of yourself. I mean, Nick scared me. It was a relief to get away from him. And without him things just feel ... I don't know how to explain.
Ambrose: Hollow. My mother was bipolar, and it was kind of like that.

Nick: Why shouldn't we try it again? You want to wake yourself up, you said so yourself.
Jamie: That stuff is crazy. It's too intense.
Nick: Then why the fuck am I here? You called me. You knew what I'd say.

Move on? Why does everybody say that? It's like the only thing that matters is getting over things as fast as you can. I mean, death isn't going away. If anything, it's getting closer. And everyone I know is terrified, but no one wants to talk about it. We just hide it away in hospitals and old age homes. And we don't even kill our own food, we just get our meat shrinkwrapped into these patties. It just feels like a lie.


Strange, isn't it? That some letter should determine your fate.


Ambrose: And the driver?
Officer: We're gonna need hydraulics to get him out. Idiot wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

The Sinner Season 3 Quotes

It's weird. Everything looks different now. Like my house, I know it's my house, but it's not ... quite. My hands. They don't seem like my hands.


Ambrose: And the driver?
Officer: We're gonna need hydraulics to get him out. Idiot wasn't wearing his seatbelt.