Darby: Wait a minute. You’re going to change my bedroom into an office.
Victoria: It’s an ideal space.
Darby: For me to sleep in.
Victoria: There are plenty of other rooms in the house, honey.

Darby: I’m not just your kid moving back into the house. I’m a grown woman with my own life. It’s about you not respecting my boundaries.
Victoria: If we’re talking about boundaries, I need you to respect my writing time. I need peace and quiet to concentrate. After all, Bryn Martel still pays the bills around here.

I’m sorry this has been so painful for you, but having you here has been the highlight of my year. Maybe I shouldn’t have strung you along, but if it’s any consolation, you have terrific investigative instincts.


Danny and I were supposed to be married next month. I often felt invisible, but when he looked at me, it was like I was the only person in the world.


Darby: Sounds like we should start with them.
Victoria: Let’s start with Noelle. She’s the eldest and the most difficult. You two should get along swimmingly.

You want to know the irony. I thought that supporting Silas would put mer in my mom’s good graces. Instead, I just gave my sisters more ammunition.


Victoria: What are you trying to say?
Darby: Nothing. It’s just no wonder he’s made some questionable life choices. People do crazy things to be seen and loved.

I don’t know why I feel guilty. So, she has to eat dinner alone. Do you know how many dinners I had to eat alone as a kid when she was promoting a book?

to Zane

Victoria: We’re going to a morgue. No one wants to be there. You’re so uptight. That’s what living in the city does to a person. You have to take your cop cap off and start thinking like a PI.
Daby: Fine. But if we get arrested, you’re covering bail.

Zane: Your mother is a lot of things – a bit of a narcissist, a neat freak, an over-sharer, but she’s not the monster you make her out to be. She’s willing to pay $10,000 just to spend time with you. It’s sad but also sweet. I’m going to tell you something and I don’t want you to take it badly.
Darby: Okay. I’m scared.
Zane: I think you and Vic are a lot more alike than you think.
Darby: Okay I’m freaking out now.

What am I going to do? All my life, I wanted to be a cop. I wanted to do what my dad did. It’s not what I thought it would be. I want to help people. I don’t want to follow orders. Does any of this make sense?


Do you know what it feels like to feel washed up? This is all I know how to do, and I haven’t written a word in months.


The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Quotes

Victoria: The prodigal daughter returns. But why do you look like a long-haul trucker?
Darby (to herself): Brand new record.

You couldn’t solve a crime if you committed it yourself, and if you stopped taking leadership packs from the Don Draper School of Management, you would recognize that I’m a better detective than he’ll ever be! I quit!
