Hey, Neegs? Um... We got a problem. I told him to kibosh that shit. Said you gave the order, but you know he don't listen to me. I mean, you know, I'm not gonna say I told you so. I'm not that kind of guy, but certain folks, a lot of folks are saying it's time to rein his ass in. Invest more authority in, you know, someone not unlike...


I saw Jerome on the mainland. He told me about the war with the Hilltop, the Kingdom... Alexandria. I should have been there. I can only imagine the damage Simon caused. He never listened... never really listened to you. It's okay. It's okay you lost the Sanctuary, 'cause I have built a new one. And we'll keep going. We'll build something bigger, stronger! The whole island will become our sanctuary, fuelled by the death in its bowels.


The Croat: "Pearlie, I don't know if you'll even read this. I feel dumb it took me so long to realise you all changed your numbers. I wonder what those other people thought when they heard my messages. I've been trying so damn hard, but it's too much for me. I'm too weak, and I can't do it by myself. I need help. Please help me. Please come find me. I don't like it where I am, and I just want to come home--"
Pearlie: Stop it! It's just me. No one else. I had two partners, but they're dead. We came to bring a wanted man home.
The Croat: Who is worth following here?
Pearlie: His name is Negan.

You must be hungry. Pasticada. It isn't magic, I promise. Only science. That was my profession. Alternative energy. So naturally, when I first arrived here, I couldn't help asking myself, what is the most abundant natural resource on this island? Death. The sewers are full of it. As the bodies break down, they produce methane, and because the intermolecular forces are weak, the gas can be pressurised into a liquid fuel at regular temperatures. Amazing, isn't it? What we have built here is a sanctuary. And all are welcome. So, why are you here, and whom did you bring with you? You understand, I can't offer you refuge until you no longer pose a threat. Because above all, above all in this vicious, monstrous world, we must stay safe.

The Croat

You inspected the meat? Rotten meat can host all types of bacteria. And without the treatment that we once had, all potentially deadly. Why would you serve me rotten meat?

The Croat

Tommaso: Sometimes the door would open and he'd offer me food or medicine. All I had to do was start talking. How many of us were left, where we were hiding. But I knew the second I talked, I'd be axed, so... you know, the door kept opening. But let's just say there was no more food and medicine. When I was a kid, my nonno used to talk about working on the crew that rebuilt Penn Station. People assumed the old station was gone. But Gramps, he knew the spots where they left the framework hiding behind the walls. So one night, the Burazi were kind enough to clean out my cell from all the blood they spilt in there. And lucky for me, a fleshie got in. I ran as fast as I could, followed the framework, found the tunnels.
Negan: So how far are the cells once we get in?
Tomasso: It's close.
Negan: Wouldn't bank on those cells being full. After your disappearing act, he would've moved folks off site.
Tomasso: How do you know?
Negan: It's what he would've done.
Maggie: He and the Croat know each other. They go back.
Negan: Way back.
Maggie: He knows how he thinks.
Luther: Huh. So they buddies, then?
Negan: Were. Took a shot at him. Blew his ear off.
Maggie: He can bait him. Lure him out of the arena. And we get him to tell me where my son is. And we kill him.
Amaia: The rest of us will get a jump on his people so he can't follow you. Luther: I'm sorry. You said he shot his ear off, right? So how is he gonna bait him?
Negan: You don't think he's gonna want payback? Eye for an eye? dіck for an ear?
Luther: And what if you're wrong? What if it doesn't work?
Maggie: It will work.
Amaia: Y'all gonna get us killed. And for what?
Maggie: For my son. So that I can get my son.
Luther: Your son is already dead! I think you know that.
Negan: All right, you know what? It's been a long day. Let's take five.

Negan: I found this in the back of one of those tourist shops. I remember, uh... I remember Hershel used to wear one sort of like it. Thought maybe you could give it to him when you see him. He's wrong, Luther.
Maggie: He is wrong. Your plan is gonna work. If you wanna talk about it or whatever, I... Contrary to popular belief, I do occasionally... know how to shut up.
Maggie: When the Croat showed up at our gates... I told Hershel... to get in the root cellar. I tried to make him hide. By then, I could've said left and he'd go right just to spite me. And he went and grabbed his shovel and a brick like that was gonna do anything. And I told him he was stupid. He told me to get off his damn back for once. And that is the last thing that we said to each other. And I screwed up so many ways before then. Fumbling through, doing it by ourself... There weren't a lot of people that meant anything to me in this world. But there were enough. And whatever's left of all of them is inside this box. And I'm...
Negan: A few years ago, Joshua, Annie, and I, we were living in this little cabin outside of New Babylon. One day, Annie decided to go into town to do some trading. When she wasn't home at nightfall, I, uh... I knew something had gone wrong. I went looking for her. I found her. And she had been... ( sighs ) She had been-- She had been robbed, beaten, and, um... She begged me not to do something stupid. The hell, you know me. I found 'em. All five of 'em. Some shit drinking hole. Honestly, I don't think I even wanted to kill 'em. After that, we were on the run, and it was very hard for Annie. So I put 'em on a wagon train to Missouri, and I said I'd be right behind 'em. I stayed. I think about them every single day.
Maggie: I hope to god they are okay, and maybe I have no right in hoping that. Negan: I don't know, Maggie. I mean, what else do we have? Besides hope.

We are family. Tonight... Tonight... we celebrate our fallen brother. Not mourn, no. Because death is no end. It is our fuel. Because people are a resource!

The Croat

Maggie: Where'd you get that?
Woman: Street.
Maggie: When? I know a little girl who likes stuff like that, that's all.
Woman: Take it.

  • Permalink: Take it.
  • Added:

Maggie: You missed weapons training again. Lane brought out the bow staffs. It's the third time this month that you skipped it. I can't keep telling you how important it is to be ready for anything. Ready at all times.
Hershel: Yeah, I got it.
Maggie: Hershel, it's not a joke. They could come at you with anything.
Hershel: Then I guess I'd be dead.
Maggie: It's really good.
Hershel: It sucks. I'm going over to Xander's.

Negan: I'm not saying that we're friendly, that depends on you, but I don't think this crazy pigeon lady, no offence, is gonna bring us all this way to get our asses smoked.
Tomasso: Friendly? Does it look like we need friends? We own this city. There are thousands of us. I think it's more like, what are you after?
Amaia: 'Cause it's pretty obvious you dickheads ain't from around here.
Maggie: We were heading up north to a settlement in Canada. The boat washed us ashore in a storm. We're just here until we can get supplies and get on our way again.
Amaia: Bullshit.

Negan: We didn't have much of a choice. They had guns, if you don't recall. Guns or whatever the hell those things were.
Maggie: Either way, we fight back and we end up with holes in our skulls.
Negan: Or theirs.
Maggie: Maybe.
Negan: But then what do we got?
Maggie: Us not being here.
Negan: I am pretty sure that we are here because you spun some yarn about Canada and a shipwreck that reeked of bullshit, Maggie.
Maggie: Should I have told them the truth?
Negan: Yeah. We give a little. They give a little. That's how it works. I mean, sure, they stuck us in some dank ass bathroom. Right or wrong, they had their reasons, which, by the way, makes them useful.
Maggie: For what?
Negan: Manpower, information.
Maggie: Information?
Negan: That's what I thought you were here for.
Maggie: Been pretty tight-lipped about the Croat.
Negan: Right around the time that the world turned into shit soup, the Croat showed up at my door, so to speak. He had been through... Well, let's just say he had been through some really bad shut. Worst shit imaginable. So I took him in. Kept him from brain-painting the walls. Pretty soon he was calling me his brother, Buraz. He said that I made him feel safe. Well, I guess at that point everybody was looking for a little sanctuary from the hellfire we'd all been damned to. I mean, we'd lost everything. The thing is I um... I really thought I was helping him.
Maggie: It takes a monster to make one, I guess.
Negan: No. No. You see, I was only a monster when I absolutely had to be. When I had to put on a show to protect my people. Anyway, the... The Croat, he had a way of, um... Reading people. And then toying with them. And pulling them apart. When a threat needed to be handled, it was a skill set that I found very useful.
Maggie: He was your torturer.
Negan: He took it too far. It was, um... One of our first skirmishes with the Kingdom before your time. A person had been holed up in a car a couple of miles from the sanctuary. It seemed to me she was a... drifter. Nothing to do with us or anything we were up to. So I gave a direct order. Let her walk. But the Croat, he, uh, he saw it differently. Thought that the, uh... Thought that she had beans to spill. And he was right. She was a... a scout. At least that's what she copped to before, uh... before he... She was just a kid. So after that, I knew that he was a rabid dog that needed to be put down. I had one shot. One. I missed. Blew off his ear. The rest of him got away. I haven't seen or heard from him since. Until now, of course.
Maggie: So he's gonna want to kill you?
Negan: He sure is.
Maggie: You didn't think to tell me this before?
Negan: I do know how he operates, Maggie.
Maggie: Of course you do.

The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Quotes

Perlie: My name is Perlie: Armstrong. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I like a good hog stew. Just want to give you a sense of what kind of people I am. I'm not your enemy. I come from New Babylon. Capital city. It's more of a small town, tree-lined streets, families looking out for each other. I got a wife and three daughters. They're my everything. Now, I don't know why you with that man I'm looking for. Or why you've taken one of our marshals hostage. But I'm guessing you got your reasons. Heck, might even be a good one. I'm open to hearing it. And I mean that sincerely. But if I get to you first, I'm going to be a little less open, and I will get to you.

Negan: I hate to even ask, but how do I figure into this, Maggie?
Maggie: The man who's got Hershel, they call him the Croat. Bullshit. You know him. When he scaled our walls, had us surrounded in the dark, right before he took my son. Do you know what he did? [ whistles one high tone, one low tone ] That rings a bell, doesn't it? It did for me. That's the last thing I heard before I met you.
Negan: Oh, that Croat. All right, so what you're thinking is, since I knew this guy back in the day when I was running the show, that maybe I had some special insight into his modus operandi. Or, hell, maybe I could just sweet-talk him into giving you your boy back. We're talking about the same Croat? Let's just say there were a lot of psychos in my crew back then. But he always stood out as being an exceptionally insane son of a bitch. So the odds are if it's the Croat that's got him... No. All right, tell me this. Why would I help you? Maggie: Because you owe me...
Negan: Because I owe you, right.
Maggie: You're the last person that I wanted to ask for help. It doesn't look like you got too many options yourself. Because if I found you here, the marshals will too. Far as I can tell, you have exhausted every shithole.
Negan: Still got a decent setup at Hilltop? Kids? School?
Maggie: I'll put up that girl. You, we see how things play out.