I said... Knock, knock! Hey, easy there, neckbeard. Holy shit, are you kidding me? Seriously? You have a neckbeard and a rattail? I mean, I get it. The world went to hell and you stopped giving a shit, but my dude, there is a line. So how about you put your helmet back on, tuck all that shit back away and stop being such a distraction to the rest of us? Now, where the hell was I? Oh. Right. Knock, knock! Who's there? Butter. Butter who? Well, you butter get out your umbrellas 'cause it is about to goddamn rain. Now, I don't know if any of you have checked tonight's forecast, but if I see even one mole hair on one of your ugly ass faces, it won't be just a rainstorm. Hell, it won't be a thunderstorm. It'll be a goddamn hurricane!


Negan: I hate to even ask, but how do I figure into this, Maggie?
Maggie: The man who's got Hershel, they call him the Croat. Bullshit. You know him. When he scaled our walls, had us surrounded in the dark, right before he took my son. Do you know what he did? [ whistles one high tone, one low tone ] That rings a bell, doesn't it? It did for me. That's the last thing I heard before I met you.
Negan: Oh, that Croat. All right, so what you're thinking is, since I knew this guy back in the day when I was running the show, that maybe I had some special insight into his modus operandi. Or, hell, maybe I could just sweet-talk him into giving you your boy back. We're talking about the same Croat? Let's just say there were a lot of psychos in my crew back then. But he always stood out as being an exceptionally insane son of a bitch. So the odds are if it's the Croat that's got him... No. All right, tell me this. Why would I help you? Maggie: Because you owe me...
Negan: Because I owe you, right.
Maggie: You're the last person that I wanted to ask for help. It doesn't look like you got too many options yourself. Because if I found you here, the marshals will too. Far as I can tell, you have exhausted every shithole.
Negan: Still got a decent setup at Hilltop? Kids? School?
Maggie: I'll put up that girl. You, we see how things play out.

Perlie: My name is Perlie: Armstrong. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I like a good hog stew. Just want to give you a sense of what kind of people I am. I'm not your enemy. I come from New Babylon. Capital city. It's more of a small town, tree-lined streets, families looking out for each other. I got a wife and three daughters. They're my everything. Now, I don't know why you with that man I'm looking for. Or why you've taken one of our marshals hostage. But I'm guessing you got your reasons. Heck, might even be a good one. I'm open to hearing it. And I mean that sincerely. But if I get to you first, I'm going to be a little less open, and I will get to you.

Negan: Hey, when this is over, will you look after Ginny for me?
Maggie: We don't have time for this.
Negan: Hey, wait, wait, wait. Just... please, look after her for me.
Maggie: 'Cause you're not going back to her.

Negan: Good try, kid, pullin' on our heartstrings.
Maggie: What are you doing?
Negan: Tossing him overboard. It's not like he's coming to the party. Hey, relax. It's a short swim. You can doggy paddle. You'll be fine.
Maggie: No!
Negan: He is a marshal, Maggie... Junior Marshal. Whatever the hell he is. Every second he stays, he's a threat, a liability.
Marshall: Yeah, or insurance.
Negan: Either way, it doesn't matter what you think. You know, you have been sticking it to me in infinite little ways since the second we hooked up. Don't think I haven't noticed. And I get how having Hershel taken has you spinning out, stirring up emotions, memories, all sorts of shit, but vengeful thoughts that I thought you had put to bed, clearly you have woken the hell up. But what I don't get is after all these years, you still think I'm the bad guy? I'm not. No one is. Or you know what, Maggie? Maybe everyone is. Ask yourself one question. How many husbands and fathers have you killed?
Negan: What you did, you don't ever put something like that to bed.

Croat: Look at you, acting so tough. Just like your mother. Maybe your father. Tell me, did you ever meet the man who killed your father? He lived among your mother's people for years. Negan. What do you know about him?
Hershel: You can keep sitting there in the dark trying to freak me out, but I'm not saying shit.
Croat: Ha. You know, when I was a boy, I was fascinated by Manhattan. All those people on such a tiny island pushing, shoving. The irony is that in death, the city is so much more alive than it ever was. Because the struggle, it galvanizes you. Shows you the strength you had inside all along. You know, I think you're going to like it here.

The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Quotes

Perlie: My name is Perlie: Armstrong. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I like a good hog stew. Just want to give you a sense of what kind of people I am. I'm not your enemy. I come from New Babylon. Capital city. It's more of a small town, tree-lined streets, families looking out for each other. I got a wife and three daughters. They're my everything. Now, I don't know why you with that man I'm looking for. Or why you've taken one of our marshals hostage. But I'm guessing you got your reasons. Heck, might even be a good one. I'm open to hearing it. And I mean that sincerely. But if I get to you first, I'm going to be a little less open, and I will get to you.

Negan: I hate to even ask, but how do I figure into this, Maggie?
Maggie: The man who's got Hershel, they call him the Croat. Bullshit. You know him. When he scaled our walls, had us surrounded in the dark, right before he took my son. Do you know what he did? [ whistles one high tone, one low tone ] That rings a bell, doesn't it? It did for me. That's the last thing I heard before I met you.
Negan: Oh, that Croat. All right, so what you're thinking is, since I knew this guy back in the day when I was running the show, that maybe I had some special insight into his modus operandi. Or, hell, maybe I could just sweet-talk him into giving you your boy back. We're talking about the same Croat? Let's just say there were a lot of psychos in my crew back then. But he always stood out as being an exceptionally insane son of a bitch. So the odds are if it's the Croat that's got him... No. All right, tell me this. Why would I help you? Maggie: Because you owe me...
Negan: Because I owe you, right.
Maggie: You're the last person that I wanted to ask for help. It doesn't look like you got too many options yourself. Because if I found you here, the marshals will too. Far as I can tell, you have exhausted every shithole.
Negan: Still got a decent setup at Hilltop? Kids? School?
Maggie: I'll put up that girl. You, we see how things play out.