Jaskier: What are you?
Not Jaskier: I am many things. Many faces. Many places.
Jaskier: Then why do you look like me?
Not Jaskier: Because you love yourself. I have other faces. If you prefer.

Jaskier: Why did you save me from the Temerians?
Seanchai: I need you to sing a story back to life. We’re related, you and I. You’re a bard. I’m a storyteller. Of a sort.
Jaskier: I beg to differ. You… you are a time-stopping, shape-shifting, probably-gonna-eat-me-without-salt-at-some-point sort of storyteller. I’m just a man with an admittedly… fun hat.

I slip between worlds and times, collecting forgotten stories. I bring them back to life when the world needs them.


Seanchai: You’re the Sandpiper, the smuggler of elves to safety.
Jaskier: The Sandpiper’s a name. It’s a title. I’m just a bard.
Seanchai: A bard the Scoia’tael risked attacking a Temerian army camp to save. They know you care for them. Their struggle for justice.

The Scoia’tael mean well, but elfkind cannot win fuelled by pain and anger alone. Hope is vital. The elves need a story lost to time. One of the few that overcame the many. The Story of the Seven.


You’re telling me that the first version of a witcher was a badass elf? This is really going to piss Geralt off.


Ryl: No markings on the assassins. Captain Eredin is rounding up suspects for interrogation.
Osfar: Eredin doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. Fuck him and his shiny army. Where the fuck were they today when it counted? Couldn’t organize a ride in a brothel.

Ithlinne: I have visions, fits, and the people in the town are scared of me.
The Lark: The ignorant are always jealous of anyone with gifts.

The Lark: How did the son of mighty Osfar fall so far?
Fjall: Easy. Fucked the princess.
The Lark: Horseshit. Your head’d be on a pike rotting over the city gate.
Fjall: And embarrass the Crown? No. Better I be stripped of my clan and banished in silent disgrace.
The Lark: Can’t blame them. Protect, not fuck. Clan basics.
Fjall: Should have got that one tattooed.
The Lark: Too long a phrase for a Dog Clan cock.

If we keep warring as we are, famine and the stench of defeat will be our only legacy.


The time of the spheres is upon us. Worlds will eat worlds. Emerald skies. Fire will summon a new dawn. A great beast born will be slain by your blade. Two apart shall become two as one. The Lark’s most precious notes shall be the key to all things. And a quest in the name of your clan will bring you redemption.


The Lark: I need to get to Xin’trea, warn my clan.
Fjall: So do I.
The Lark: Fuck your clan.
Fjall: Look, there are bound to be more of these stabby fuckers on the way. We’ll have more of a chance if we stick together. Despite you being a pain in me hole.

The Witcher: Blood Origin Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Jaskier: Why did you save me from the Temerians?
Seanchai: I need you to sing a story back to life. We’re related, you and I. You’re a bard. I’m a storyteller. Of a sort.
Jaskier: I beg to differ. You… you are a time-stopping, shape-shifting, probably-gonna-eat-me-without-salt-at-some-point sort of storyteller. I’m just a man with an admittedly… fun hat.

Jaskier: What are you?
Not Jaskier: I am many things. Many faces. Many places.
Jaskier: Then why do you look like me?
Not Jaskier: Because you love yourself. I have other faces. If you prefer.