We are looked upon as imperialists. People, they see our black armor and they assume that we are here to destroy the world. But we're not. We are trying to feed, to house, to liberate.


Cahir: It isn't the end I'd hoped for, no.
Yennefer: I hate to break it to you, but you won't meet an end here.
Cahir: Well, Yennefer of Vengerberg, it seems mages are merciful.
Yennefer: No, we're practical. Death must serve a purpose.

Villentretenmerth told us we were made for each other. Destined for each other. And that nothing would come of it because destiny alone isn't sufficient. Something more is needed. SHE is something more.


Child of the Elder Blood, starry-eyed Daughter of Chaos, join our Hunt. Your place is among us. You are ours.

Wild Hunt

We belong together. You, us, it's not perfect, but it is real. It's yours.


Geralt: Witchers don't kill out of fear. They kill to save lives.
Vesemir: I said that.
Geralt: You did.
Vesemir: It feels like bullshit now.

Remember what you have. Magic. It's lodged in you. Like a spiked arrow. It wounds you. Deeply. But it's a strange sort of pain. Combined with bliss. Trust me. It's all you'll ever need. It's everything.


Cahir: Are you my inquisitor or executioner?
Tissaia: See where the night takes us.

Fear is an illness. If you catch it and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.


Tissaia: We won. Because of her. She bought us time until the armies arrived.
Geralt: Was it worth it?

Geralt: I sleep like shit too.
Ciri: You don't sleep at all.
Geralt: Makes for fewer nightmares. Except for the one about the rock troll. Overly friendly. Tough image to shake.

Ciri: I miss my home.
Geralt: Cintra isn't safe for you anymore.
Ciri: Then what about Skellige? I have people there too. I'd be safe there.
Geralt: If you want. But you'd be married off to the nearest Lord of Bad Breath.

The Witcher Season 2 Quotes

I think there's something wrong with me. Everywhere I go, people die. Sometimes, I feel like I could burn the whole world. I wouldn't mean to. It just makes me feel so afraid. All the time.


Fear is an illness. If you catch it and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.
