Cahir: Fringilla! I thought you were dead.
Fringilla: No. Not dead. I’m simply no longer confined, Cahir. You know, it is amazing what you can do when you think for yourself.

I’ve searched so long. Fought so long. Hurt so many. And it was all worth it. No matter where you go or where you hide, we will never be apart. Destiny brought us together. Never lost. Always found. I love you, my daughter.


Geralt: We didn’t come this far just to abandon each other.
Yennefer: Then don’t abandon me. I have to do this.

I understand what she means to you. To know she suffers, she fights, that she may die.


Sabrina: Keira! Radcliffe! Why wasn’t she secured?
Tissaia: Because I told them I would melt their faces if they touched me.
Philippa: There’ll be no face melting here. I’ve shrouded your little kingdom in a powerful binding spell.
Tissaia: Oh yes, I can feel it. From ‘The Book of the Waning Sun.’ I wrote that book.

She’ll only master her power if she masters herself.


Dijkstra: We have ample evidence of Vilgefortz aligning with Nilfgaard. We want to be heard. The Brotherhood needs our help to root out these traitorous infestations.
Geralt: So this is a trial?
Philippa: No. A purge.

Radovid: How can you think my feelings for you are a lie?
Jaskier: Because that is who you are, Radovid. At your core. I thought I’d seen through your mask. Turns out there was nothing behind it.

Piece of advice, though. Coming after mages in their own home during a conclave… That’s suicide.


Geralt: So, I’m a prisoner?
Dijkstra: We’re only here for mages. Holding you is more of a… courtesy. After all, I see us as allies.

I am not your equal partner in this game. So, no, I shall continue on my path. I shall continue on my path. I shall respond to events. I’ll adapt with the world as it changes.


Vilgefortz: If you want to protect what you love, just our side in the battle to come. The child will not remain safe for long, and your… passivity will be no weapon with which to save her.
Geralt: It is incredible how much my neutrality outrages everyone. How it subjects me to offers of pacts and arguments and lectures of the necessity of making a choice and joining the right side.