Kevin: Wise man, wise man, wise man, and, I don't know. Cousin, maybe? And the donkey talks. Or I might have that confused with a cartoon, actually.
Chloe: Yeah, you're better with a script.

Dad, Grandpa's gay. Or at least bi.


Beth: What are you writing, babe?
Randall: A list of reasons why I'm mad at my mother. I've got 22 so far.

My point is, what's wrong with being normal? Olivia, you're always talking about being real. Right? That kiss that we had yesterday, that was real. Those feelings were real, and I know that you know that. And it doesn't shock me that you are scared, right? You are horrified, so you're trying to sabotage it. I understand that, but what might be worse than that is I'm not sure you've ever experienced something real your entire life. I'm starting to feel like you attaching to something that's not a calculated act is too much for your empty human shell to handle. I feel sorry for you.


Toby: Well, I'm sorry you're having a hard day, but are we still broken up?
Kate: Well, yeah.
Toby: Well, then I can't be this person for you anymore, Kate. I'm sorry; goodbye.

Jack: The moment I saw you, I knew you were my boy. You were not a choice, you were a fact. You were never a replacement son, do you understand?
Randall: If I had known the man who abandoned me regretted it and wanted me back, that would have made all the difference in the world.
Jack: I'm sorry she lied to you, but we cannot take that back, so what do you want to do?
Randall: I want her to hurt as much as I do.

You're scared that you'll lose all the weight and that nothing will have changed, right? That you'll discover that the person you have been is the person who you are truly are. And all your dreams of the life you're gonna lead one day are nothing but lies you've told yourself. I get it. It's scary, and if I were you, I'd be terrified. Trust me, you don't know women like me.


Kate: Mom never told him that she knew his biological dad?
Kevin: I know.
Kate: That's Cuckoo's Nest level of insane.
Kevin: What about you? Showing up all of a sudden deciding to get your stomach cut open? What was that?
Kate: Uh, I almost died in a plane crash, Kevin. My life flashed before my eyes.
Kevin: You experienced mild turbulence. You spilled your peanuts.
Kate: It was a real, life changing moment...shut up.

Randall: And don't think I'm ignoring the fact that you lied to me, too. When I showed up at your door two months ago, you pretended like you didn't remember abandoning me.
William: I was honoring your mother's wishes.
Randall: Which is why I'm SECOND maddest at you. [points at Beth] You're in third place.
Beth: But I've been trying to get your mother to tell you the truth since I found out!
Randall: Which is why there isn't a Beth or William list.

I hate going to grandma and grandpa's! Whenever we take pictures, they always say, 'Okay, okay, now one with just the twins.'


I am thankful for my family. I'm thankful that we're all safe and there's no one in the world that I'd rather be too hot or too cold with.


Why is there a photo of me in a letter that you sent to William's apartment?


This Is Us Season 1 Quotes

Rebecca: I had to put the lingerie on on top of my clothes.
Jack: I see that.
Rebecca: It wasn't a great moment for me.

Rebecca: You promise you love your gift?
Jack: The towel? It's absolutely terrible.