Miguel: How's the play going? Having fun at rehearsals?
Kevin: No, Miguel, I'm not having any fun. It's emotionally brutal work, but thanks for asking.

Man, I am so pumped! My mom and biological father eating at the same table? How great is this?


Kevin: Hey, listen. You're not allowed to talk to her.
Randall: Because she'll want me? She'll want me so bad, because Thanksgiving dad is a hot dad.

Jack: I always thought when my parents died, we'd get to do our own thing. Make up our own stupid traditions with the kids.
Rebecca: That's because you're a very, very naive man.

Randall: You're right. Mom did favor me. She did. She showered me with attention. Took my side more often than not and I ate every bit of her love up. Ate it up like Pac Man. You know why? Because the one person I wanted it from the mo...You know, back there with those people, that was the one time in 36 years you said the words, "he's my brother."
Kevin: Come on, Randall. That can't be...
Randall: Claiming me. My brother.
Kevin: Well then, that really sucks.

Seth Myers: Kevin. Hey, Kevin. You alright man? Do you want me to call someone.
Kevin [actively scrapping in the street with Randall]: Oh. It's a. No. This is my brother.
Seth Myers: Oh. Hey, man.
Randall: Hey Seth Myers.

Kevin: What does that mean?
Randall: It means you treated me like a dog. And just like a dog, I kept coming back again and again, just hoping for a scrap from you. Like a crumb of affection or kindness. Or respect.
Kevin: Respect? Oh, you wanted my respect?!
Randall: Yeah.
Kevin: Oh, OK. No, you wanted to show me up, Randall. Which is what you did every single chance you got! You showed me up!

Randall: What are you harboring? Because God knows I would really love to hear this.
Kevin: You always got special treatment.
Randall: Because I'm black?
Kevin: No, because you're black and you're adopted.
Randall: Oh, yeah. Hit the jackpot with that combination. Couldn't have had it any easier.
Kevin: In our house you did. With our mother, you did.

That is great. Replaced by another black man.


Randall: It's Miguel's gout.
Kevin: Really? I didn't know they made gout anymore.

I have something to say. My dad put on a tie everyday because he had to. I put one on because I want to. It's important you know that. Maybe I don't run into burning buildings for a living, but to me, it's challenging and exciting. I will not apologize because it's hard to explain to people.


Randall: You know how, in the movies, when somebody's bad at something but they don't want to be and so they set their mind to it, and then we see this montage of them practicing and practicing and then comes the big moment, and they're amazing, and everybody cheers?
William: I've seen a few movies like that, yeah.
Randall: I think I skipped the montage.

This Is Us Season 1 Quotes

Rebecca: I had to put the lingerie on on top of my clothes.
Jack: I see that.
Rebecca: It wasn't a great moment for me.

Rebecca: You promise you love your gift?
Jack: The towel? It's absolutely terrible.