June: I can either channel my inner bitch or let my feelings govern how I do my job.
Devi: And risk losing everything you've worked for.

The point is that men feel more comfortable to other men and that's just the subtle way that we get edged out.


Stop trying to be a friend to all. There is no way that everyone walks out of this unscathed.

Olsen [to Devi]

Mags: Am I throwing a wrench into an already complicated situation?
Devi: Everyone knows your status and that you won't be hiding from what you're managing.

Bash: Mags, should you be doing this?
Mags: Yeah, over my 10-pound limit but you know.
Bash: Well, when they fall, we catch them.

June: Excuse me. Is it really necessary to be so rude?
Lab Tech: Why don't you stay out of this?

Bash: [Karim] has a very sneaky way of getting me to spill.
Mags: Well, you can tell him if he needs some pointers, um, I don't have any.

Pasha: I go by they/them. I've been trying to change my health card but the system's not friends with nuance.
Mags: No, it is not.

Are you always this hard on yourself?

Devi [to Mags]

Kamir: She is really belting. Yeah, you must be doing something right to instill this type of confidence.
Bash: Look, I don't think her copying my digital signature for her school application without telling me counts as something right.

Bash: I was asleep, OK. Her rhythm jumped up and I didn't hear it in time.
Theo: What would you have done? Call the nurse a split-second before the monitor?
Bash; If I'd been awake ...
Theo: Bash, Bash. Get a grip, man.

Well, well, well. If it isn't Team Trauma OR, looking emotionally roiled?


Transplant Season 3 Quotes

Amira: You're not even going to tell me what's wrong with her?
Bash: It wasn't her heart. She was just afraid.

Theo: My therapist in Sudbury thinks I'm ready to see patients again.
Psychiatrist: You're not running from what happened. That's a good sign, as long as you're vigilant.