Cato: This is the first time I heard you complain about the life my money affords you.
Devi: I don't want your money or your things.
Cato: Then what do you want?
Devi: I want to know you.

Devi: You think your money means you can do whatever you want?
Cato: I can.
Devi: Then why aren't you? Because everywhere you take me, there's no reflection of us. It's just rich and white. It's like you're trying to prove you belong there.

Noah: What am I doing here?
Cato: You're welcome. For the bed. For the suit. For not turning you over to the Marshals to hang.

Cato: What do you see when you look at the sculpture?
Devi: Timelessness.

It ain't about the risk. Reading is a curse. All the words...they give words to all the feelings nobody told me about--not even my dad-- and I'm crushing under the weight of the knowledge. It opens up the world to you, and shows you how small the one they got us chained to is.


Daniel's kid: What did she mean by that, daddy?
Daniel: It means you strong, not just in body but in mind, too.

Donahue: So is that the plan to get the Black Rose? Turn her bretheren on her?
Patty: I can do better for this unique circumstance.
Donahue: What makes this circumstance unique?
Patty: There's one man I know more than anyone, motivated to pluck the petals off the Black Rose.

Young Ernestine: I'd still be a slave. No matter where I sleep. I don't want the master. That's just what I get. And it's not just him. Them overseers. Some of those others in that field, too. Anybody think they can take a piece of me. I'm just trying to protect myself. The only one trying, so I'mma use what I got.
Woman: You sad, pretty little thing. You can't protect nothing. You can't control nothing. Yo body ain't never been yours and never will be. But looks is all you got, so I 'spose you better us 'em. You cut out your insides, that's the only way. You till the master's seed, they blood is in you and it seep to the bone. Ain't no running from it. Your kin then sold you an old and terrible lie, that you can survive this.

Young Ernestine: I heard you help some of the girls around here.
Woman: You ain't with child.
Young Ernestine: I ain't. I don't wanna be. Not ever.

Hicks: You lucky massa ain't send you to the overseer. All you had to do was look pretty and sing.
Ernestine: You wanna be the master's bitch? You go ahead, but you leave me out of it.

Well, you can't make a legend out of the truth. At least, not one worth publishing.


Matthew: This is exactly what I was talking about, right here. What this island does to you.
Friend: What, drink with the help?
Matthew: No, it changes you. My stepmother, she was a farmer's daughter...little piece of land near Charleston, sweet as apple pie. When she first moved here she was uncomfortable being waited on hand and foot. Then, her hand was okay with it. Then her foot. By the time I left, she was spent most of her time hollering at the house girls, calling themm incompetent. Beating them with a switch.
Friend: What are you going on about?
Matthew: New York. I remember hearing it called bondage, and it always stuck with me. Slavery is such a one-sided term for it all. Bondage suggests duality. That it affects us, too. Brings out the worse.

Underground Season 2 Quotes

Slave Catcher: We got three runaways. You wanna pay us for one?
Rosalee: You ain't got nothing yet.

Slave Catcher: [to Rosalee] Make another move, and I'll shoot your head clean off.
Harriet: I could say the same. My arms are mighty tired, and I aim to end this quick.