I'm so sorry Jack this is not the boy I raised.


Congratulations mother, you just killed your only ally.


He's right daughter. The soul is not a curse, it's a blessing.


Go to your Queen.


I only ask you to reevaluate your decision. In the name of faith, of course.


Why do over a billion followers look to your church and your answers?


It is the soul that makes us human. Without it, we'd be nothing more than animals.


Anna: I find it curious that you believe the soul could survive the death of the body.
Priest: It's the cornerstone of our faith. That the soul is immortal meant for everlasting life.

You're kidding right. He's hiding something.


Follower: You're sounding more and more like Fifth Column.
Jack: Maybe so.

(to Anna) I promise you this. One day you will feel the sting of your daughter's betrayal as I have felt yours. Tick tock. Tick tock.


Jack: Just pray with me. The soul is a blessing.
Ryan: No, it's also a curse.

V Season 2 Quotes

Erica: Why did you do this?
Anna: You killed my children, so I killed yours.

(to Erica) Mom, what is this? What did you do to us?
