Oh, you're not ready. You're not ready. You wanna know something? When it comes to all of this, I'm not ready either. Don't tell anyone.

Jack [to Chloe]

Brie: I was dating this guy in Sacramento and it ended badly. Really badly. So I quit my job.
Mel: Did you work with him?
Brie: Uh, no. No, I just, I couldn't stand the idea of seeing him in court.

Mike: Brady's our primary suspect now.
Jack: No, come on. I mean we had our differences but, we were brothers.
Mike: Yeah, but you know as well as I do Iraq changed all of us.
Jack: Yeah, but still, I mean, I just don't see it.
Mike: I can't rule anyone out. I gotta go where the case leads me.

Jack: I'm sorry you found out the way you did.
Mel: Yeah, it just makes me wonder what else I don't know about.
Jack: Like what?
Mel: I don't know. I just wanna be prepared for the future.
Jack: Yeah, I get it. But you told me to take some time to think about the baby so ...
Mel: I know. I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be this hard to wait.
Jack: You know wherever we end up, I just want you to be happy.
Mel: I am happy. I want to be with you, and I want a family.
Jack: What about the twins? You know if we got married, you'd be their stepmother.
Mel: I know, and I know I would love them with all of my heart, but I know myself, and loving them is not going to stop this feeling that I have to have a baby of my own. I just want you to think about it.

Jack: Brie said she told you about Mandy.
Mel: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I just told her I wouldn't say anything. I figured you would end up telling me someday. Jack: Really, there's not much to tell. We got married right out of high school, I joined the marines, she filed for divorce when I shipped out to Iraq. Whole marriage lasted less than three months.
Mel: why didn't you tell me before?
Jack: honestly, it's not something I think about.

Mel: Aww. It must've broken her heart to give Tucker away.
Jack: I think she should give Todd away, but that's just my opinion.

Jack: You really don't have to do this.
Charmaine: Yes, I do actually. Todd's not allergic, he's, um, he's just not a dog person, I thought I could change his mind, but obviously, I couldn't, so.
Jack: So he's just making you get rid of your dog.
Charmaine: He's not making me, it's a sacrifice.
Jack: It's a pretty crappy sacrifice if you ask me.
Charmaine: I'm not asking you.

Jack: Why are you pushing me away?
Brie: I'm not.
Jack: OK, then talk to me. Come on, hey, whatever is I can handle it okay?
Brie: It's personal.
Jack: So what?
Brie: So, before the shooting, when's the last time you called?
Jack: So, you're keeping me in the dark because I didn't call you enough.
Brie: No, but ever since you got back from Iraq, you've been emotionally and physically MIA not just with me but with the entire family.
Jack: Come on, I love you.
Brie: Yeah, I love you too. Sometimes it feels like we're strangers.

You know, if you're smart, you'd give that a lady a ring, get started having a family. What? That's the fun part.


Mel: You should talk to Jack. He's really worried about you.
Brie: I don't know. We're not as close as we used to be.
Mel: But you're both here now. You can change that.

Todd: Listen, I know Charmaine pushed you to come.
Jack: Well, it's important to her that we get along.
Todd: Actually, there's something I want to offer you face to face.
Jack: Alright.
Todd: I want you to understand that I love Charmaine and I would do anything to make her happy.
Jack: And I'm sincerely happy for the both of you.
Todd: That's good to hear. And if I were you I would be relieved that she found someone who could take care of her so you know you don't have to.
Jack: I'm perfectly capable of supporting her and the twins.
Todd: Yeah, I'm sure you are. But I'm offering you a free pass. Look, Charmaine and I talked about it and we both think it's best for everyone if I would legally adopt the twins.
Jack: I'm sorry, did you just say you want to adopt my kids?
Todd: Just hear me out. It's the cleanest way for all involved. That way there's on dragging them back and forth, there's no real dad versus stepdad, and I'd foot the bill. Think of the cash you'll save for not having to pay for college. Come on, man, it's a win-win.
Jack: And you don't think it'll be psychologically damaging for them to grow up wondering why I abandoned them?
Todd; They don't have to know.
Jack: The fact that you would even consider starting a relationship with my children by lying to them. Oh, and don't think for one second that I would ever give them up for a little extra cash. They're not for sale.

Mel: What?
Brie: Oh, nothing. I just haven't seen a waterfall braid since Mandy.
Mel: Oh, who's Mandy?
Brie: Jack's ex-wife. Oh, you didn't know about her?
Mel: No. No, I didn't.

Virgin River Season 3 Quotes

Mel, heya, FYI, I'm taken.


Ricky: I feel like a jerk.
Jack: Why?
Ricky: Everything I said to you about getting Charmaine pregnant and being in love with Mel ... And you throw me a party? I'm an idiot.
Jack: You're family to me. You know that. And sometimes family says things they don't mean. Don't worry about it.
Ricky: Well, I'm glad you didn't die.
Jack: Yeah, me too.