Claudia: Say it again please... for me
Todd: My preferred method of hacking it to use an integrated secure tool kit, applied to a safe type concurrent algorithm, derived from an active binary work cluster, imbedded in a synchronized meta-level high speed architecture
Claudia: I love it when you talk tech.

Myka: So we can't even pretend to be normal.
Pete: Normal is not really in our wheelhouse.

Pete: He thinks you're still in D.C. They both do.
Myka: Well, yeah. And if you tell them any differently, I swear, I will... I will drop a dictionary on your crotch.

This is Adwin Kosan, he is on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know.


Myka: Do you know every former warehouse agent we know is either crazy, evil, or dead?
Pete: Or all three.

Claudia: I imaging losing a child is the worst pain a person can go through.
Helena: No actually, when I tracked them down, what I did to the men who killed my daughter, that's the worst pain a person can go through.

Artie: The Corsican vest. Where did you find that? Venice?
Wells: Ft. Lauderdale.
Artie: Of course.

Claudia: Artie can I talk to you about something?
Artie: Will it make me feel old and uncomfortable?

Claudia: Can I hug you?
Artie: Maybe later in the week.

Trust me pal, a "woosh and twinkle" is a lot better than a "sizzle and splat" or worse a "ZAP and kerchow!"


Pete: I would be honored to have a life like yours.
Artie: I would be honored if you'd try for a little more.

Myka: Let me be perfectly clear, I know places where people would never find your body.
Pete: Deal, I'll even dig the hole.