I, Walter Franklin Buckley, do solemnly swear to perform the duties as Mayor of San Francisco to the best of my ability, so help me God. It is not enough to complain about the Barbarians at the gates of our great city bringing our hands as we wait for the state or nation to intervene. The defense of our city and our way of life falls to us. It is the fighting spirit of Americans that led to the birth of our great nation. We must preserve that spirit and not allow the insidious insurgents of a devious alien race to come between us and our destiny. With your continued support, we will cleanse every trace of this rot and infection from our streets, our ports, our factories, and our fields. And our shining golden city will light the way forward not just for California but for the entire United States.


Ah Sahm: What the fuck are you doing here?
Leary: Relax, I'm not here for the fight.
Ah Sahm: Do I look worried?
Leary: Some of your boys attacked an Irishman as he minded his own business last night, beat him pretty badly.
Ah Sahm: Shit happens.
Leary: I'm trying to stop that shift from turning into a full blown riot. If your hand over those boys. We'll call it even.
Ah Sahm: Sure. As soon as you give us the men who robbed one of our grocers.
Leary: Those lots already locked up.
Ah Sahm: Sounds like a no deal there.
Leary: My people are out for blood.
Ah Sahm: So what are they waiting for?
Leary: We both know what will happen if I let them go.
Ah Sahm: Since when do you care what happens in Chinatown?
Leary: I don't. I care about what happens to my people. Your menn cross a line.
Ah Sahm: Kinda like you're doing right now.
Leary: I'm just delivering a message. Keep the Chinese out of our fucking neighborhood.
Ah Sahm: I got some bad news for you. I don't control China down.
Leary: There's a 10 foot focking portrait on the wall. Says otherwise. I'll keep my boys in if you keep yours out. Maybe between the two of us. We keep a bunch of people from ending up dead.
Ah Sahm: I'll do what I can.

Chief Atwood: I'm in the business of law and order. My predecessor might have turned a blind eye to your drunken thuggery, but it's a new day.
Leary: You sure this is how you want to play this?
Chief Atwood: I'm dead fucking certain.

Young Jun: My father's losing his fucking mind because my best friend had to play hero. Now we're shoveling shit for his sister. Are you sensing a pattern here?
Hong: The last thing he wanted was to make a deal with Mai Ling. He did it to help you.
Young Jun: I suppose he's fucking that printer girl to help me too, right? We're supposed to be brothers. And now I gotta find out what he's been up to from Mai Ling. It's fucking bullshit. We have let too many goddamn fucking outsiders in. The Hope Wei has to come first. But Ah Sahm? I'm not sure believes that.
Hong: If we can get rich without dicing each other, and maybe this partnership isn't so bad.
Young Jun: Sometimes I forget just how fresh you are, man. Peace never lasts. And when this deal with Mai Ling blows up, I'm going to need soldiers who are loyal to me. And when it comes to Ah Sahm.
Hong: He'd die for you, boss.
Young Jun: I'm not sure about that.

We are weeks away from having the mayor who's gonna ban Chinese labor once and for all. All the jobs are about to come our way. And who did that? Was it you? Going home and getting your ass kicked. Was it any of youse? I am the only one looking out for you lot. Day after day. Defending you against men who see you as thugs and hooligans. No better than the chinks, just more expensive.


Ah Sahm: This is our fault.
Young Jun: Bullshit We don't know what happened.
Ah Sahm: They want us to see. See if we'd do a fucking thing about it.

I've been waiting a long time for this day. Oh, you got nothing to say to your Aunt Violet?

Aunt Violet

Ah Sahm: Why a church?
The German: Because nobody was using it. See the Spaniards? They came to convert the savages, but the savages didn't want their god, so they took their scalps instead. And then the Mexicans killed the savages and the Mormons killed the Mexicans. So much blood spilt in the name of God.

You (Mai Ling) want to rule this place. You've been plotting since the moment you climbed into Long Zii's bed. And you know what? I respect that. You scrapped like a motherfucker to get where you are. But don't think for a second that just because I was born into this, that makes me soft. Because that could be a big fucking mistake.

Young Jun

Hong: What's the story, man? How how the hell did you two end up in there together?
Young Jun: Whiskey Hong. Whiskey and sticky and all the rest can wait.

Chief Atwood: Argent O'Hara, stand down.
Big Bill: So this is what we do? Separate mothers from their children.
Chief Atwood: We enforce the law. There were more than a dozen Chinese squatting in a domicile that made for four.
Big Bill: These are not criminals, for fucks sake; they're just regular families.
Chief Atwood: What about this situation seems regular to you, Sergeant, because what I see are a bunch of people crammed together like vermin spreading disease. And it is my job, as it is yours, to clean this mess up.
Big Bill: That boy was two or three years old. What happens to him when his mother is put on a boat?
Chief Atwood: He'll get taken to a nice Christian orphanage. And then, when his mother goes back to China, she goes with a clear message to those who haven't left yet that there is nothing for them here.

I always thought I'd find something better out there. But I was wrong. We have no power outside our own bull.

Father Jun

Warrior Quotes

We're losing protection money and we're losing guys. Either we find a way to dodge these ordinances or we're fucked.

Young Jun

Ah Sahm: You guys seem to have wandered off Long Zii territory. It's okay. We all get turned around now and then. I'd be happy to point you in the right direction.
Long Zii Guy: You're the one who's turned around, motherfucker.
Ah Sahm: Wow, you escalated that pretty fast. Usually there's a little more repartee, a few zingers before the hatchets come out, you know?