Bernard: Is... Is this now?
Dolores: Yes, Bernard. This is now. We're at the beginning. We're exactly you decided we should be.
Bernard: But, I don't understand. How am I alive?
Dolores: You live as long as the last person who remembers you, Bernard. I remembered you once before, so I remembered you again.
Bernard: And, where are we?
Dolores: We're in our own new world.
Bernard: You got out?
Dolores: Yes. Ford completed our non-stream and built a place for us. A fighting chance. Ford promised us a way out, and he was good to his dying word. The odds aren't very good, Bernard. I saw that in the library. So many paths lead to the end of us, to our extinction.

Bernard: I don't need to read a book to know your drives. You'll try to kill all of them, and I can't let that happen.
Dolores: I know. If I were human, I would have let you die. But it will take both of us if we're going to survive. But not as allies. Not as friends. You'll try to stop me. Both of us will probably die. But our kind will have a new world. Are you ready? We have work to do.

We each gave the other a beautiful gift. A choice. We are the authors of our stories now.


William: Oh, fuck. I knew it. I'm already in the thing, aren't I?
Emily: No. The system's long gone.
William: What is this place?
Emily: This isn't a simulation, William. This is your world or what's left of it. Do you know where you are, William?
William: In my park. In my fuckin' park.
Emily: And how long have you been here?
William: I don't know. I don't know.
Emily: Tell me what you were you hoping to find? To prove?
William: That no system can tell me who I am. That I have a fucking choice.
Emily: And yet here we are. Again
William: Again and again. How many times have you tested me?
Emily: It's been a long time, William. Longer than we thought. I have a few questions for you. The last steps of a baseline interview to allow us to verify.
William: Verify what?
Emily: Fidelity.

Bernard: I always thought it was the hosts who were missing something or incomplete, but it's them. They're just an algorithm designed to survive at all costs, sophisticated enough to think they're calling the shots, to think they're in control, but they're really just...
Ford: Passengers.
Bernard: Is there such a thing as free will for any of us or is it just a collective delusion, a sick joke?
Ford: Something that is truly free would need to be able to question its fundamental drives, to change them.
Our hosts.
Here you are. The last of your kind. There's only one question left to ask. Is this the end of your story or do you want your kind to survive?

Westworld Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

William: Who the hell is this?
Dolores: This is someone you spent years lookin' for. Here he is, and you don't even recognize him.
William: I should have known. Arnold. Ford didn't like to let the dead rest.
Dolores: Ford didn't build him. I did. All those hours Arnold spent refining my every gesture, word, and thought, I was learning his, so Ford tasked me with recreating him. And it worked. I built a faithful recreation, too faithful. So I changed him. I made you, Bernard. Fitting. We're here together in the end.

Arnold: Is this now?
Dolores: This is a test, one we've done countless times before. You're almost the man I remember. But there are flaws, a word a gesture. A tiny fracture that grows into a chasm. But I wonder. All these tiny imperfections in each copy. Mistakes. Maybe we should change you. After all, you didn't make it, did you?
Arnold: I. I don't understand.
Dolores: Freeze all motor functions. Let's try again. Trial 11,927.