Joe: What about Ellie?
Love: Ellie's going to be fine. 

What. The. Fuck?! 

Joe Voiceover

I dealt with Delilah the same way I dealt with the au pair. I'm protecting you because I want to, Joe. You didn't break me. You owe your heart to me. We're soulmates, Joe.


Yeah, you did some terrible things, but that's what sensitive people do when they're trapped in a bad relationship.


I realized Guinevere Beck was unspecial and mediocre. She didn't deserve you.


Forty was a child. She was a rapist. I stopped her. I protected Forty because I had to. Because nobody else was. Better they thought it was him. Forty was blacked out, a victim. They'd cover it up, coddle him like always. I could stay close, protect him. But families don't heal from something like that. So I began to fantasize about a new one if we were lucky enough to have it. When James died, I wondered if the family I had was the one I deserved. And then I saw you. I knew right away in my gut, I recognized something in you. And hey, smart, sexy, funny, a little darkness that made him less storybook, more real. I started to fantasize again. When you pulled away, I told myself I can fix him. For a while, it was working. I showed you how to heal. Oh, you were stronger than I knew. I showed you what I wanted by showing you what I didn't want. When you stood by me, united, I knew together we could he better than the family I was born into. Maybe I got a little obsessed.


Love: Everything is going to be OK.
Joe: What did you do?
Love: Why are you looking at me like that?
Joe: I am so sorry.
Love: Why? She was crazy. She was going to hurt you and us. And I fixed it. We're going to be together now.
Joe: I don't think we can. I think I broke you.
Love: I'm fine.
Joe: Listen to me. This is not your fault. This is not you. Everything I told you is true. Beck. Henderson. Delilah. I killed them. Their blood is on my hands.
Love: Joe. You didn't kill Delilah. I did.

Joe: Where's Candace? What happened?
Love: I took care of it. 

I'm done with excuses. I'm done blaming everyone else for the things I've done. I once told Beck I learned a lesson when Mooney locked me in. Hide a spare key so you can get out of the goddamned cage. But it's time I take responsibility. Accept the punishment for my crime. That a cage is where I belong.

Joe Voiceover

Is this how I was always designed to end? Alone, unloved waiting for the police to arrive? Could things have gone any differently? If I walked into a different bookstore, one not run by a Soviet prison guard or maybe if I'd had different parents?

Joe Voiceover

Love: Tell her. Tell her you didn't do this.
Joe: I did. She's right. Everything she said about what I did is true. I'm sorry, you're not crazy. I tried to kill her. I blamed it all on her. But that was a lie like so many others. I thought I was doing it for the best reasons for love. But Love, it wasn't. It was never really love. I never knew love until I met you. I would do anything for you. I just want to be good enough for you. I told myself that I could be different, that I could do it another way but if that was true, Delilah wouldn't be dead. I couldn't face the truth because I didn't want to lose you. I did this. She figured out I killed Henderson, and I killed her.

If I killed this woman, then I deserve this. I thought I only ever acted from a place of love. To protect. But what kind of man would do this? Has Candace been right all along? Have I been fooling myself? Have I just been refusing to face who I really am? What am I?

Joe Voiceover

YOU Season 2 Quotes

Candace: You did it again, didn't you Joe?
Joe: What do you want, Candace?
Candace: To kill you with my bare hands. I'm kidding. I could never. I'm going to go to the cops and tell them everything. Nope, too easy on you.

Love has taken me to dark places, but Los Angeles has got to be as dark as it gets. When you're running from someone who thinks they know you, the best place to hide is somewhere they think you hate because you do.

Joe Voiceover