He still just thinks of me as a freeloading veteran with perfect features.


Some of the most legendary geniuses of our time suffered from depression. David Foster Wallace, Hemingway, Spalding Gray, Boner from Growing Pains...

Sam [to Gretchen]

Gretchen: You stayed?
Jimmy: Yeah.
Gretchen [crying]: You stayed.

My life flashed before my eyes. Dick. Following Smash Mouth around Europe. Negative after negative customer service interaction. Divorce. More dick. I realized I really need to get my shit together.


Edgar: Do you still like me?
Dorothy: Of course I do. So much that it sucks.

But you know, maybe I just make bad decisions. I mean, I bought a chocolate fountain! Who does that?


I am a one in a generation. A disruptor. You know how in that Charlie Chaplin movie there's this ho, walking and talking on a cell phone even though it's 1928? I'm that future-ass cell phone ho! Trace! I'm out here everyday changing the face of EVERYTHING. Music, art, amusement parks, farm-to-table, claymation, laser shows...


Gretchen: You need to stop. It's like you have amnesia. Every day you think things are going to be different and I'll just be happy. Well, maybe you can understand this: I feel nothing. About anything. Dogs, candy, old Blondie records, nachos, you, us, nothing. So for the last time... please GO.

Red licorice vodka? Were you expecting Chris Hansen?


Little pig boy pay for my Invisalign? Send money, loser!


Jimmy: Look, the truth is... I have a girlfriend.
Nina: Who? Greasy hair queen of dragons?

Just mimic everything they do like a rapidly mutating virus.


You're the Worst Season 2 Quotes

Gretchen: Who knows their address?
Jimmy: People. Kidnapped children. This dog I saw on Dateline who rides the bus to the park.

Jimmy: Well you guys have very funny things in your vocabulary as well.
Gretchen: Oh yeah, like what?
Jimmy: "American exceptionalism."
Gretchen: Oh, former colony burn.