Kevin: Okay, Veronica, I’m obsessed with everything that just happened.
Veronica: Thank you! It helps to be off-book and in full costume.
Betty: Don’t be so modest, you are the literally embodiment of Chris. Never has a role been perfectly typecast.
Archie: Betty!
Veronica: What was that, Betty?
Betty: I mean think about it: Spoiled rich girl, check. Major daddy issues, check. Bad to the bone, trying to control everyone around her, including her boyfriend and best friend. Check, check, check.

Ethel: Veronica!
Veronica: Oh, hey Ethel.
Ethel: For your crimes against the town of Riverdale, for everything you and your family have done and continue to do, we find you guilty. Your sentence is this.
[She throws a milkshake at Veronica]

Principal Weatherbee: Don’t I make myself clear to you, Mr. Jones? Take off that jacket right now or you’re suspended.
Veronica: Please, Jughead, just take off... [Whisper]
Jughead: Then I guess I’m suspended.
[He walks out of the room]

Hermione: Now you know. You know everything.
Hiram: So miha, what do you think?
Veronica: I’m in, but I have ground rules. ground rule.
Hiram: By all means...
Veronica: I refuse to do anything illegal.
Hermione: That’s fine, especially since we’re not doing anything illegal either. Let me share two words to live by: “Plausible deniability.”

Archie: Your instinct about Svenson were right, Ronnie. You thought he was The Black Hood. We could’ve ended it, right there at school where we confronted him. I didn’t see it...I...I...I didn’t see it in his eyes.
Veronica: Forget his eyes. I can’t believe he cut off his own finger.
Betty: The finger of accusation.

Veronica: What was he doing here?
Hermione: The shadow of The Black Hood has finally landed on our home. We received a letter.
Veronica: What? What did it say?!
Hiram: The usual, that we’ll be targeted and punished for our sinful ways.
Veronica: Well, don’t let it ruin your day.
Hermione: According to Keller, apparently dozens of other households have received the exact same letter.
Veronica: Well, I don’t know about those other people, but we’re actually sinners.

Archie: Ronnie! What I said it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it back to me.
Veronica: But it does, and it should. And, for whatever messed up reason, Archie, whatever deep seeded issues I have, I can’t let myself go there with you. Sorry. I’m so sorry.
[She gets in the car and leaves]

Betty: Veronica, I have a theory...about Sheriff Keller.
Veronica: Oh, me too. It’s obvious.
[Both speak at the same time]
Betty: He’s The Black Hood.
Veronica: He’s having an affair.
[Veronica looks at Betty confused]
Veronica: What?! Is that a joke?
Betty: I wish it were.
Veronica: Whatever crazy web you’re spinning, B. Let me break it down for you. Sheriff Keller’s wife is away, he’s failing at his job. He’s looking for comfort, sneaking around. All signs point to cheating.
Betty: Well, I don’t know. Maybe he’s having an affair and he’s The Black Hood?

Hermione: The St. Clairs had a car accident. They were run off the road. Nick...he will recover. It will take several months.
Veronica: Oh well. Karma’s a bitch.
[Hiram moves his Chess piece]
Hiram: Checkmate.

Nick: You’re not a bad person, Veronica. You’re smart, vivacious, you’re sexy...
[He places his hand on her knee]
Veronica: Nick, I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I’m with Archie.
Nick: Oh come on, Vee. You barely looked at that hayseed yokel all night, you were all over me.
Veronica: Nick, we’re friends. We’re old friends.
[He pushes forward and tries to kiss her]
Veronica: Nick, I mean it! Stop!
Nick: Same old Veronica. You flirt and you tease, but in the end, you think you’re better than me.
Veronica: You’re a pig.
Nick: With the power to implode this pathetic deal your criminal father so desperately trying to make happen. So unless you want that to go away, I’d be thinking of ways for you to start showing your appreciation. If you need any help, I can suggest a couple.
[She slaps him and walks away]

Veronica: I wish you were smart enough to not keep it in your locker, but a gun, Archie?! Why? For what?
Archie: To protect myself.
Veronica: Against The Black Hood? Archie...that video, that gun...if I’m following you, I need to know where, I need to know the truth.
Archie: I want him dead, Veronica! I want The Black Hood dead, and I want to be the one who does it. I want to be the last thing that he sees.
Veronica: Spoken like a true vigilante.

Hermione: Nice t-shirt. Will you still be wearing it when Archie is arrested for reckless endangerment or something worse?
Veronica: Archie would never, Mom. He’s being railroaded.
Hermione: And you can say that with absolute certainty after watching that video? Maybe you can, or maybe you’re just being loyal. But let me tell you something about loyalty. There’s nothing more honorable about it, noble even, but blind loyalty...that is a stupid and dangerous thing. I pray that is not the case for you and Archie.

Camila Mendes Quotes

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!
