Reggie: Hey, Reggie Mantle. I just got recruited to the Bulldogs.
Veronica: Ah, I suspected a tall drink of water like you were a sportsman.
Cheryl: Careful, Veronica, you might get a ticket for speeding.

There’s suspending my allowance? And making me get an after-school job? Smithers, this is child abuse! Well, if they think they can break my spirit as if I were a philly, they’re in for a rude awakening.


Betty: I was just wondering … what’s sex like?
Veronica: My goodness. And I’ve barely just had my morning java.

Veronica: Repeat after me: “I am gorgeous, powerful, sexy siren at the height of my many powers. And may God have mercy on the boys of Riverdale High.”

Betty: We were thinking: what if you had us both?
Veronica: At the exact same time. For a very, very special date.
Archie: Really?!
Betty & Veronica: Really.

Veronica: Are you okay?
Jughead: No. No, I feel like I failed her. I failed us all.
Veronica: You didn’t. You fought hard to save her, Jughead. You did. You did save her.
[They kiss]
Jughead: Wowie.
Veronica: You can say that again.

  • Permalink: Wowie.
  • Added:

Toni: How did it go with Bazooka Jones?
Veronica: Well, if you really must know, Jughead and I spent the entire night together.
[Toni stares in disbelief]
Veronica: Talking!
Toni: Holy hell! Are you making a play for that crown-wearing clown?
Veronica: Let’s just say, I’m not ruling it out.

Cheryl: How dare you besmirch his memory like that?
Veronica: Don’t you be so provincial?

Cheryl: J’accuse!
Veronica: Excuse me?
Archie: Cheryl, what is your problem?
Cheryl: She is my problem, Archie. Veronica Lodge is nothing but a liar and a fraud. And I’m going to make sure the entire world knows it.

Veronica: Don’t worry, Cheryl. I will be transferring our powers to you via a kiss.
Cheryl: A, that’s queer-baiting. And B, won’t your poison kiss kill me?
Veronica: A, it’s not queer-baiting; it’s saving the world. And B, pretty sure your phoenix power trumps my poison power.

Oh my god! Sorry, Daddy, I just figured out a way to save my friends!


Nick: Has anyone put a hex on you? Damned your soul?
Betty: No. I was recently likened to the Harlot of Babylon.
Sabrina: Oh, yes, totally! Yeah, no, the Harlot wouldn’t technically be allowed into heaven. No.
Betty: Oh, okay, well that figures.
Sabrina: Anyone else here have an emotional connection with Archie that can lead him back to the mortal realm?
[Betty points to Veronica]
Veronica: Sure, yeah, kill me temporarily so I can visit my ex-boyfriend in heaven. Why not!

Camila Mendes Quotes

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!
