Woman: I saw my daughter in the computer. I turned... I turned on my laptop and there she was. My baby girl. Just a picture of her, out at the park with her grandparents. But who took the picture?
Man: I opened my Gmail account and there was an ad and it said, "Jim, we think you deserve a vacation in Costa Rica." And I wondered how is it that they know that I liked to be called Jim. Because my given name is Francis.
Apollo: Huh.
Woman: The photo is from an apartment window. Who would take a picture of my child from up there? There were other pictures. Other places. Other days. There's texts and emails, but... ...every time I tried to show one to Gary, they were gone. Deleted. Who could do that? I had the sense to hit print as soon as I saw this one. It's the only proof I got. But when I looked at it long enough, I noticed something else. That girl in the photo. That is not my daughter. That is not Monique. I told Gary all this, and do you know what he said to me? He told me to go on medication. I knew I had to find my own help. I found it with the mothers. The Wise Ones.

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The Changeling Season 1 Episode 2: "Then Comes a Baby in a Baby Carriage"
The Changeling
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The Changeling Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes, The Changeling Quotes
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The Changeling Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Emmy: Apollo takes the baby to the park every morning. He doesn't sleep much anymore either.
Kim: Brian?
Emmy: Apollo. Having nightmares. We're all a mess.
Kim: You could try a little Benadryl to help you sleep. You can take a little while you're breastfeeding. I'm worried about you, Emma. I see you, and I feel worried.

Did you know that the oldest known lullaby is a 5,000-year-old Babylonian song? Little baby in the dark house, you have seen the sun rise. Why are you crying? Why are you screaming? You have disturbed the house god. Tell me your journey. Each of you. Tell me your life's voyage, and I will tell you who you are.

Victor LaValle