Ed: OK, you're a fiery person which makes your tepidness for me all the more noticeable. I don't mean to punish you...
Madeline: Well, it feels like you are.
Ed: I tell myself all the time, you know, married people, after a while, they reach this sexual plateau. That's the norm. I hear about other couples breaking urethas...
Madeline: It's not like you're some sort of a raging bull, Ed. The only time you touch me is when you're reaching across me to get the visine for your eyes.
Ed: Well that's because you don't want it, Madeline! We don't talk about it because that would make it harder to pretend. Sometimes that's the essence of a happy marriage, isn't it? The ability to pretend.

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Big Little Lies Season 1 Episode 6: "Burning Love"
Big Little Lies
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Big Little Lies Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes, Big Little Lies Quotes
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Big Little Lies Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Dr. Reisman: Start documenting the abuse. Write everything down. Photograph your injuries. Keep doctor reports. That could be important in a custody battle, and men like your husband usually do go for custody. He has the resources, the money, the contacts. Most importantly, he has the ego to see this through.
Celeste: I don't understand why you're being such an alarmist right now.
Dr. Reisman: Because I'm alarmed.

My life isn't perfect, Madeline, bad things have happened to me. I do understand the concept.

Celeste [sighs]