DYLAN: "You can't still be here."
DEREK: "I'm not going anywhere."
DYLAN: "Well, you do whatever you have to. But the Chief of Surgery authorized me to evacuate everyone on this floor."
DEREK: "The Chief of Surgery doesn't scare me. Dr. Bailey scares me. I'm not going to be the one to let her husband die, and that's what would happen if I put this skull flap on, in this condition. Bomb or no bomb. Now get out of my O.R."

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Derek Shepherd
Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 16: "It's the End of the World..."
Grey's Anatomy
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Derek Shepherd Quotes, Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes, Grey's Anatomy Quotes
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Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

PRESTON: "Dr. Shepherd."
DEREK: "Dr. Burke. Hey. We’ve known each other for a while."
DEREK: "We’ve done several successful surgeries together."
DEREK: "Your girlfriend is my ex-girlfriend's best friend."
DEREK: "So, why don’t we call each other by our first names?"
PRESTON: “I don’t think so."
ADDISON: "Hey, Preston."
PRESTON: "Good to see you, Addison!"
DEREK: "She gets to call you by your first name and I don't?"
PRESTON: "I like her."
DEREK: "You don't like me?"

MEREDITH: "I have this feeling."
DEREK: "I get that feeling also. If you wait long enough it will pass."
MEREDITH: "Do you promise?"
DEREK: "I promise."