Dinner At The 118 - 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 9
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An award ceremony is held at the 118 for Hen, Chimney, Buck, Eddie, and Tommy, honoring them for their courageous actions during the cruise ship rescue. Chief Simpson also extends a medal of valor to Bobby, which he refuses to put on and instead directs the applause back to the others.

At the afterparty, Buck, Tommy, and Chimney see Captain Gerrard, who makes digs at both Tommy and Chimney.

Maddie and Athena see Bobby and Chief Simpson arguing in the loft.

Hen meets Councilwoman Ortiz, whose son, Kyle, died earlier in the season. The councilwoman meets Denny and Mara before going on her way.

At home, Bobby tells Athena that he has resigned. He says he’s tired of trying and not a hero. Athena worries he’s not thinking clearly, but she will support him. He also tells her the Chief wants to keep it quiet until he can figure out how to spin it.

Eddie and Kim are in a row boat out on a pond, and she asks him if he’s figured out why she looks familiar. She attributes it to her once being on a television show. He replies that he likes looking at her, and she wonders why he hasn’t tried to kiss her yet.

Amir shows up at the hospital believing he was called in because of an issue with one of his patients, but he’s met by Athena, who had the nurses call him. The two talk, and she tells him that she believes Bobby has reached the point where he has nothing left to lose, and she needs Amir to help him find his way.

While the team works through an emergency, the scene is interspersed with Bobby saying his “goodbyes” to his team. He speaks with Hen about her upcoming adoption of Mara, teaches Ravi how to unhook a hose quickly, gives Eddie a Catholic book of prayers, and buys groceries for Buck to cook dinner.

After dinner, Bobby talks to Buck in the locker room and tells him he’s come a long way in the seven years he’s been there, and Buck thanks him for everything.

On his way out of the station, Buck sees Kim as she is coming to drop off brownies for Eddie. Buck takes the brownies, as Eddie isn’t there.

Buck goes to Eddie’s house and asks about Kim. Eddie explains how they met and how they struck up a friendship. Buck asks what he wants from her, and Eddie admits to not knowing and admitting she isn’t aware she looks like Shannon.

Maddie, Chimney, Hen, Karen, and the kids have dinner together. Karen gets a call from Dierdra and tells Hen that their adoption hearing has been canceled. Diedra believes someone talked to the judge, and Hen says she knows who it was.

Eddie shows Kim pictures of Shannon and apologizes, as it wasn’t fair to not tell her the truth. He says he didn’t realize how much he missed Shannon and that it felt like she’d come back in meeting Kim. Kim tells him that he and Shannon had unfinished business, and he admits he never got to say what he wanted to say to her.

Amir goes to Bobby and Athena’s, and he and Athena wait for Bobby to come home. As Amir looks at the photos around the home and Bobby’s lifesaving award, he gets upset and makes to leave, running into Bobby on the wait out.

Amir tells Bobby that if he wants to make amends, he and Athena need to stay away from him.

Bobby and Athena argue, and she again asks why he quit. Bobby says it’s because he’s a fraud, and Athena tells him to stop lying to her. She fears he’s standing on the ledge of a building again.

Bobby then tells Athena about the book he used to keep, and she wonders why he never told her about it before.

Hen goes to Councilwoman Ortiz’s office and apologizes for what happened to her son but asks her not to use Mara as a pawn in her revenge schemes. The councilwoman says she’s trying to save Mara and then says while digging into Hen’s past, she noticed she has a pattern in her records.

Hen gets a call from Karen, and when she returns home, Mara is being taken away. The family then shares a tearful goodbye, promising her they will always be family.

Kim goes to Eddie’s home, pretending to be Shannon, and tells him to say what he needs to speak to her. Eddie then admits that he doesn’t want to let her go and wonders why Christopher got a letter and he did not.

Eddie then says he’s broken, and she was supposed to be there with him. As the two hug, Christopher and Marisol return home, and Christopher thinks he sees his mother.

Bobby wakes up on the couch to rattling in the kitchen and sees his father there. He pours them both a drink, celebrating his award. The medal appears around Bobby’s neck, and he says it weighs him down.

Tim shows him the hero book he made for him once, and Bobby apologizes for not saving him. Tim says he should have saved him and then says he has to save himself.

Bobby wakes up from his dream to a fire in his house. He saves Athena, who is unconscious and gets her outside. He does mouth-to-mouth until she regains consciousness and the paramedics get there.

As Bobby stares at his house on fire, his heart stops, and he collapses.

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9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Olivia Ortiz: You must be very proud of your hero wife.
Karen: I am.
Olivia Ortiz: Sadly, her heroics didn't extend to my son.

Buck: Man, isn't it crazy we thought we were gonna get fired, and instead, we all got medals?
Tommy: Enjoy it while it lasts.
Ravi: That's my motto.