118 Arrives - 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 7
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Maddie gets a 911 call from a woman looking to book a hotel room and quickly realizes that the woman, Catherine, is involved in a potential domestic dispute in a vehicle. As the couple begins to argue, Maddie hears a baby crying as well and works to get the three passengers headed toward a hotel so police can intercept them.

After Maddie loses Catherine, the other male in the car picks up, and then Maddie hears a crash.

The 118 arrive on the scene of the vehicle crash, finding the car has rolled down an embankment and caught fire. After extinguishing the fire, they only find a severely burned Catherine inside, with the male passenger and baby missing.

Athena, the 118, and other officers search the ground, and an unburned pacifier is found, meaning the baby exited the vehicle before the crash.

Hen, Karen, and Denny have dinner at their house while Mara sleeps, as she struggles to sleep through the night. Denny tells them that Mara has a baby brother named Tyson, who Hen and Karen did not know about. Mara isn’t sure where he currently is.

Eddie, Chris, and Marisol go out for ice cream, and while walking down the street, Eddie spots a woman in a boutique who looks like Shannon. He becomes distracted by her but moves on with Marisol and Christopher down the street.

Hen talks to Mara, reiterating that they are all there for the young girl. Mara says that she misses her brother, and “they” took her.

Athena and Romero go to dispatch to see Maddie, informing her that the man in the car with Catherine couldn’t have been her husband as he was working in Alaska. The police believe she may have a boyfriend.

The three listen to the 911 call, and Maddie walks out. In talking to Josh, she tells him she’s mad at herself for assuming things on the call.

Hen and Karen call Diedra over and ask why they weren’t made aware Mara had a sibling. Diedra says it wasn’t her place. She explains that Mara’s mother had an affair, and Tyson’s father didn’t know about him until after Mara’s mother passed away.

Hen and Karen tell Diedra that they want Mara to have a relationship with her brother, and Diedra gives them the name of a place she sends new parents to.

Maddie visits Catherine at the hospital and chats with her nurse Amir. She also promises a comatose Catherine she’ll bring her baby home.

Eddie returns to the boutique where he previously saw the Shannon lookalike but struggles to go inside until the woman asks him what he’s shopping for. The two look around the store together, and she introduces herself as Kim.

Hen and Karen go to a mommy and me class where they see Tyson with his father, Vincent, and Vincent’s partner. After approaching the couple and introducing themselves, Vincent makes it clear he’s not interested in Tyson reuniting with Mara.

At home, Maddie re-listens to Catherine’s call before Chimney comes to sit with her. He asks her to speak about who that woman is in the car. She then realizes something she missed from the call and calls Romero.

Romero takes the call at Catherine’s apartment, where he and Athena are talking to Catherine’s mom. They find the yellow nightgown the man on the phone mentioned to Catherine while in the car, and then Romero leaves the apartment.

Athena receives a call from Romero shortly after from the apartment building next to Catherine’s. He’s standing in a bedroom that looks directly into Catherine’s bedroom. They believe Catherine may have had a stalker.

Eddie daydreams about a time when he and Shannon were in bed together, and he told her he believed it was time for her to come back into Christopher’s life while sharing a meal with Marisol.

Athena, Romero, and Maddie convene and discuss the stalker being a man named Kyle, a handyman working on the vacant apartment across from Catherine’s. Maddie then calls Kyle’s sister, who tells him that his wife and child are hiding from him, and he moved to Los Angeles for a fresh start.

Kyle is shown at a local park with the baby, looking for someone to become a mother to the baby.

They have Kyle’s sister call Kyle, which he ignores but allows them to ping his location. And based on what his sister said, they believe he could be at a park.

Romero goes to a park within the area, where he finds a young girl whose mom is missing.

A BOLO is put on Kyle’s car, and shortly after that, he gets into a car accident with a police vehicle. Kyle tries to retrieve his gun, but it has fallen off his passenger seat.

The 118 arrive to assist, and Kyle gets out of the car with the baby and tries to leave. Chimney quickly recognizes who the guy is, and Kyle drops the car seat and attempts to flee before Buck tackles him.

They then find the mother that Kyle kidnapped from the park in the trunk of his car.

At the hospital, Bobby reunites Catherine with her baby. And Amir seems to recognize Bobby’s last name.

Vincent’s partner drops by Hen and Karen’s home with Tyson. When he sees Mara, he immediately remembers her.

Eddie drops Chris off at Buck’s house, as Buck and Christopher believe he’s going on a date with Marisol.

Eddie is then shown waiting at a restaurant, and then Kim shows up as his date.

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9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 7 Quotes

Eddie: Hey, sorry about that.
Marisol: You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.
Eddie: Yeah, no, I’m fine.
Marisol: Is that a truth or a lie?

Officer Tejada: Sargeant Grant. I found something. It’s not burnt. That means they left the scene before the car caught on fire.
Athena: Question is, where are they now?