Ava and Gregory at the Panel - Abbott Elementary Season 3 Episode 8
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Tariq hosts a teachers vs. parents basketball game as PTA president. It does not go well.

Gregory and Ava go to speak on a panel about education while the other teachers stay back to receive CPR training.

Janine also attends CPR training, but is nervous because the superintendent will be making the final decision about her library program.

Everyone finds out that Melissa is hooking up with the CPR instructor.

Ava is anxious about facing Crystal, her nemesis and sorority sister, at the panel.

Janine learns that the university supplying the library science students for her program is pulling out.

Ava treats the panel as a competition against Crystal and is determined to "win."

Barb is upset with Melissa for not telling her that she was dating someone. Melissa tells her it's a casual relationship.

The CPR instructor reveals that Jacob has hooked up with the assistant instructor, sparking more drama.

The superintendent, played by Keegan-Michael Key, tells Janine and Manny that the library program is being shut down because he cannot allocate any district funds to it.

Ava and Gregory start to flounder. Mr. Johnson stands up and pretends to be a teacher to ask questions of the panel to help make Ava look good, but ends up accidentally helping Crystal look good instead.

Janine asks to take the CPR test without finishing the course and rushes through it while everyone stares.

Janine saves the program by recruiting students from a community college to participate.

Janine shows emotion about the fact that she's not in the classroom anymore.

Someone from a committee approaches Gregory and suggests that he may want to provide him with a grant, but does not elaborate.

Abbott Elementary
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Abbott Elementary Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Manny: How are we feeling about tonight?
Janine: Definitely not diarrheal, I'll tell you that much.

Ava: Why don't you look better?
Gregory: Because this is a modest panel of educators speaking mostly to fellow educators on a Tuesday. I'm dressed appropriately.
Melissa: Maybe for a Monday.