Shut Down - Accused
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An Indigenous deputy unlocks Naatani's handicaps.

His lawyer, Ms. Lowe, introduces herself in their native language. The judge interrupts her and demands she speaks English.

She introduces herself in English and identifies as a Navajo woman. She presents the defendants.

Protestors, primarily Native American, chant "Shut it down" and are gassed by the police. Chase gets into a confrontation with an officer who butts him with the end of his rifle.

In the haze, they get separated. Naataani and his sister, Shandene, reunite in the holding cells.

Their friend, Chase, is thrown into a cell. He is bleeding from his head. He barks at the guards.

Another friend, Derek, is brought in. He's only been back one week. He greets Naataani.

They begin to chant, "Hands off our land." There are dozens of Native Americans in large kennel-style cages.

Naataanii tries to calm Chase, who is angry about his sister getting sick from the uranium. Derek tells them he has a way to shut down the uranium plant, which will shut down the mine. He explains all the electrical and power converges to one room; if they can break that room down, they can shut everything down simultaneously.

He explains how his dad used to work there and planned how easy it would be to take the plant down. He tells them there is not much security and they need a security key card to get in. Chase means them he can get it from one of the guards at the bar while they are drunk and gambling.

Naataanii wants to speak to the Tribal Council instead. He believes it is worth a shot to handle it legally.

Back in court, Ms. Lowe issues a motion for a change of venue. Because they are members of the Navajo Nation, she wants them to be tried tribally. The judge tells her that major crimes, like Murder, are to be tried in Federal Court. She moves to dismiss the Murder charge, and he denies her outright.

Shandene says it's all her fault.

Derek and Shandene scope out a plant security guard who is drunk. He tries to reminisce, but she reminds him that he left her to go to college on a basketball scholarship and never came back for her.

He tells her he came back to help his people. She thinks his life is glamorous, and he tells her it is not.

When the security guard gets loud, they approach him, and while Shandene flirts, Derek takes his key card.

Derek and Shandene try to leave, and an older gentleman who knew Derek approaches him. They have a suspect conversation and finally break away. Derek lets her leave and stays behind.

The older man walks out and demands Derek get in the vehicle.

Chase returns to the courtroom wearing a shirt saying, "This is America. Speak Navajo". The judge makes the bailiff cover the words on his shirt with duct tape. The bailiff is Native American, and Chase sneers at her about working for the white man.

Naataanii tells him not to take it out on her. She walks away without a word.

In the car, Derek tells the older man that he can't do this anymore. He has been gathering information for him, and now he wants to set up his friends. Derek is angry.

The man tells him if he doesn't, he will lock him back up and reinstate the 20-year suspended sentence. He reminds Derek how scared he was in lock-up.

The man gives him a gun and tells him to leave his car.

Derek returns to Naataanii's house, and they confront him about the plan. They had been protesting peacefully, and he planned to make them savages. Chase is insistent that he wants to proceed.

Shandiin demands they proceed with the plan. Derek gives them the blueprints for the building.

With bandanas on their faces, they break into the mill. Led by Naataanii, they encounter two white security officers.

Back in court, the prosecutor questions one of the security guards on duty. He admits to seeing them there that day.

Naataanii sends Shandiin to be a lookout on the roof. Derek does not want them to split up, but he insists. She stands watch with binoculars.

In the server room, Naataanii takes out the instructions. Derek seems distracted. Naataanii and Chase attempt to reach the security box while Derek stands by.

A fleet of officers pulls upled by the older man from the bar. Shandiin tries to call Naataanii, but it goes to voicemail.

Derek watches Chase and Naataanii as they try to read the instructions. Derek starts to ignore their questions. Shandiin rapidly knocks on the door to tell them the FBI is there.

They try to run away but run into the security officer.

In court, the officer mentions running into three of them. He was not aware of a law enforcement action at that time.

He pepper sprays Chase, and Derek takes the security officer hostage with the gun given to him by the FBI agent.

They run back to the server room with Derek still holding the gun on the security guard.

Chase zip-ties the security guards.

Shandiin tells Naataanii that Derek knew the FBI guy outside. Naataanii confronts Derek.

He pretends he doesn't know. Naataanii takes the gun and demands his phone. Derek hands it over and takes off running.

He trips and falls. Chase steps on Derek and screams at him for betraying them.

Shandiin asks if he's a cop. Chase tells them he is an informant.

Shandiin confronts him and calls him a liar. The FBI cuts the power and surrounds them.

The FBI agent from the bar calls Naataanii's cell phone. Naataanii tells him they have hostages and they will kill them.

The FBI agent gives him 3 minutes. He tells his fellow officer that Derek is disposable now.

Derek tells them they sit there high and mighty, but he tries to make something of himself in the real world.

Shandiin appeals to his sense of family and admits that he got caught up and would have served 20 years.

Naataanii holds him up against the wall with the gun to his chin. Derek cries, and Naataanii lets him go. Derek falls to the ground.

Naataanii says killing him would be too easy. He will make him admit to the tribe what he did, which will be his punishment. Naatannii puts the gun on the ground and pulls Derek into his arms.

Naataanii yells that they surrender and come out with their hands in the air. The officer screams for them to drop the weapon then shoots and kills Derek. Shandiin screams and cries over his body.

The FBI agent enters the server room, gets the gun from the ground, and places it next to Derek.

On the stand, the security guard lies and says that Derek has the gun. Chase screams, and the judge has them removed.

The FBI agent wants a word with Naataanii in the hallway. The bailiff offers to get his lawyer, but he insists. She stands outside while he interrogates Naataanii.

He tells them that White Man's justice is a bitch. He means that if he passes on information from his activist friends, he will get them out of this.

He tells Naataanii that he didn't have to pay the security guard to lie and calls them worthless pieces of crap. The guard secretly recorded the conversation and played it for Naataanii.

Naataanii and his family are free and watching the news. The news reports that the mines will be shut down and investigated and the FBI agent was charged with illegally coercing informants against indigenous groups.

Naataani and Shandiin talk, and she believes Derek is at peace now and would have been happy to help his people.

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Accused Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

The Land of the People was given to us for a reason. It's where The Holy People know us. And where the Changing Woman created us. It’s our home. And we got to do what we can to protect it, our people, and each other. So let’s go shut it down


Naataanii: Chase, you just need to be patient.
Chase: I’m tired of being patient. While you’re printing your t-shirts, writing your Facebooks, and moonlighting for Tribal Council, I’ll be riding into battle.