Facing Her Past - Black Cake
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Covey and Gibbs lock eyes with each other, and he rushes to her to see her for the first time in years. She tells him her life story, and he's in shock and pleased that she's alive and he didn't really lose her.

She tells Gibbs that he's her one and only and they kiss. She akss him to take it slow because she doesn't want to tell him about her assault.

They start living a life together.

Covey bumps into one of the women from the house she used to live in and they recognize her, ask her how she's alive, and wonders about Elly. She tells Gibbs the truth about it, and he reassures her and chooses her.

He wants to leave London.He proposes to her and promises to keep her secrets with her.

They leave London and arrive in the States.Get married. They start a family together.

We shift to when Benny and Byron were still showing up at home and having dinner with their parents.

While playing a game of charades with the family, Gibbs/Bert accidentally calls Elaeanor Covey which rattles her even though the kids didn't notice.

Gibbs/Bert wanted to tell the kids, but Covey didn't want to.And she fears that she should've listened and that it would have changed her and Benny's relationship.

Byron and Benny try to process the latest informaton that they've learned from the tapes and discuss all of it.

They disagree on whether or not their father would've wanted to know the truth, including about her assault.

Benny gets emotional and wonders how her mother could have been friends with Bunny but allowed Benny's father to judge her for her sexuality. She says she felt judged by all of them even Byron and doesn't tell him why she didn't come back for the funeral.

Benny's ex shows up to spend time with her and give her some news.

Byrons' girlfriend shows up to support him.But after they make love, she tells him that he needs to fight against the workplace discriinatino at their job.

Benny sleeps with Steve and then thinks when she was with Joanie at Thanksgiving. Joanie didn't want to hide again, and Benny wanted to come out.

Benny feels judged at dinner when she tells her parents that she quit culinary school and wanted to focus on painting and opening her own cafe. She says she wanted to serve Eleanor's black cake there.

Gibbs is upset that he's been wasting his money on her schooling.

Gibbs and Benny argue at the dinner table and she leaves. And Benny blames her girlfriend for it.

Benny goes off to become an artist where she meets Steve, another famous artist He offers her the chance to be his apprentence.

Steven makes a move on her after a dinner party, and they sleep together He says that he'll sculpt her and collaborate with her.

Steven begins the process of getting Benny to change with comments about her hair and how she carries herself.

She runs into Joanie while sne and Steve are out, and he hates the interaction and takes it out on Benny, picking a fight and getting violent.

Steve shows up to apologize to her and tells her that he loves her, and she lets him bac in.

Benny finds out that her father died, and when she confides in Steve about it, he encourages her not to see her family and wants to drive a wedge between her and her family and tells her not to go the funeral

Steve beats her when she's about to leave after instigating an argument about being her only support and family

Benny shows up at her father's funeral but doesn't get out because of her face.

She tells Byron in the present about what really happened and not wanting to keep secrets anymore. She explains how Steve became everything to her when she was away from them.


Black Cake
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Black Cake Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

I wish now that I had listened to your father. Maybe if I had shared my secrets, Benny, it could've brought us closer. Maybe it would've kept you away from flying away that Thanksgiving.

Eleanor Voiceover

I walked away from my father, and my mother walked away from me. Betrayal is a powerful thing, and I'd rather suffer in silence than risk losing our children.
