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-Uri Danko a Russian mobster on trial for murder kills a witness set to testify against him.  Erin scrambles to find a new witness but convinces Sophia, the murder victim's nanny, to come forward.

-When the safe house is compromised, Danny realizes there's a leak on the task force. Until the leak is found, they stash Sophia at Jackie's. 

-They give the task force false information and when two Russian hit men show up at the wrong location, the police kill one and arrest the other. He turns over the name of the Officer who feeds them information and Danny arrests him.

-On the way to the courthouse, the car Sophia is in is fired upon but Danny manages to get her there safely and she does testify.

-The Mayor asks Erin to be his new Deputy Mayor. She is thrilled but worries she's only been asked because she's Frank Reagan's daughter. Frank's concerned that the position will cause conflict between them but won't stop Erin from taking the position.

-Erin turns down the job after winning the Danko murder trial because she realizes how much she loves her job.

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Blue Bloods Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Erin: Thank you for coming, Sophia.
Sophia: The police didn't give me much choice.

We have truth on our side that's all the evidence that we need.
