Prisoner With Dementia - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 13
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Hannah gives RIpley ginger camomille tea. He likes it. They kiss.  The phone rings even though Ripley is not on call. He says now is not a great time, isn't there anyone else? No, he's on his way. Norovirus on the night shift, they're short-staffed and he needs to go in.

A man comes into the hospital who has been impaled on deer antlers. The guy asks if he is gonna die. No, but he needs surgery.

Hannah comes into the oncall room with coffee for RIpley. She wants to hear about his night but Maggie is asking for him.

A high risk prisoner coming in from Statesville. He has gotten no pain meds because he may be drug seeking. The guy thinks Ripley is his son Joe and that he's at the dentist. The cop tells him to cut it out. Ripley wants the cop to remove the cuffs and the cop says no.

Bert's aide tries to help him eat properly. He tells her to leave him alone.

The prisoner wants to eat. X-ray shows rib fractures. Ripley prescribes fentanyl. He asks what happened and the guard says he provoked a fight and wanted to be in the hospital.

Sharon meets Charles who asks how it's going. SHe's not getting much sleep because Bert is wandering around  and he can't eat properly and can't take a shower by himself. She is thinking about a facility but she doesn't know. She says you know what he used to be like. SHe doesn't want to throw him away. Charles tells her to hang in there.

Marcel asks Maggie if she heard from Colin's dad. She hasn't.

Ripley talks to Charles about the patient. Charles says the CTs will give them the best idea but he will talk to him.

Archer says his patient will be okay. Hannah sees Maggie and Loren standing close together and making a date. She teases her.

The guard makes fun of Charles being a psychiatrist and refuses to leave the room. Green says he was not injured in a fight. THen he says it was fight. He says he's not in prison. The guard starts yelling at him. Green gets upset. He also asks who Dr. Charles is.

A pregnant woman has lost her balance on the stairs and fallen. They are checking on the baby. The husband seems woozy. They do x-rays and check the fetus. The woman says the baby is a miracle because she couldn't get pregnant. Something is wrong with the baby. They need a fetal MRI.

Charles says it's possible that the man has dementia. Sharon complains about the officers impeding the flow in the ED and says she wants the guy sent back.

Marcel looks at the pregnant patient's leg/ The MRI shows the fetus has a diaphragmatic hernia. The woman says her sister's baby had the same thing.  The husband says they just met. Anyway she can have a healthy baby if they do fetal surgery. They have a specialist who can do this. The specialist says to do this immediately but Marcel says the woman also needs emergency surgery at the same time. The husband doesn't like this idea. He is nervous about hospitals but the woman consents.

Dennis comes to see Sharon. She says Bert has been a handful but she misses him. He misses her too. She's sorry. He didn't sign up for her ex living with her. He says he wishes she would let him help. Sharon feels it's not fair to burden him. 

A new patient fell off his bike and might be on something. Archer and Naomi work on him. He seems out of it as they examine him. He feels pain in his wrist. He won't say if he's on drugs. He refuses to give them a urine sample. His emergency contact is Margo.

Sully is having chemo. Ripley is sure he will beat this. Sully can't believe he is gonna be a dad. How is the prick that sued him? Ripley asks why he cares? Sully wants to get revenge. Dennis shows up to talk to Sully about side effects. 

Archer's patient tests positive for heroin though of course he denies it. Margo comes with Sean and Sean decides to confront Dustin. Archer tries to stop him. Margot tels Sean relapses are part of the process. Sean storms off and ignores Asher calling his name. Asher tells Margo she has to get into surgery but will help as able.

There's something in Dustin's stomach. ARcher guesses it's a bag of smack. 

Maggie has terrible news for Marcel: Colin died and his father then killed himself.

Tanaka Reid tells Asher that Marcel asked him to cover for him but he knows how to do the surgery.

The surgery begin and is done quickly.

Head CT proves dementia. Ripley says to Sharon that he doesn't belong in prison. Sharon says he does not belong in her ED. Sharon says that it is not their job to put him in a memory care unit instead. Sharon wants to know what the prognosis is. Charles says he won't be able to feed himself, get lost on the way to his cell, etc, and be punished for it. Charles says this sucks but the system isn't set up for prisoners like Mr. Green. Sharon says she could petition for compassionate release. But he won't get it because he's terminally ill. Sharon says she'll talk to the AG about getting him to a state mental hospital. Charles tells her she didn't need this today.

Naomi calls Archer. Dustin is puking all over the place. Sean shows up and Dustin says he's sorry, he swallowed some dope. Archer says they need endoscopy. Sean lectures him. Dustin doesn't want to get in trouble. Archer says he will die if the baggie is not removed.

Sharon tells Ripley that the AG doesn't want to be soft on crime so she won't do it. Discharge Green. Ripley says that's it? Whe just throw him to the wolves? Charles says there's no good moves. Ripley accuses Charles of not trying very hard. THe past comes up again. Charles is tired of apologizing and is done advocating Ripley.

Archer gets the bag. Naomi asks if she cshould call security. Archer says no. He tells Sean he disposed of the bag. Sean wants him arrested. Archer tells him no

Ripley says he is going to DMV and Zach is covering for him.

Marcel comes to see Sharon who asks why he called out of surgery. Marcel tells her that COlin died and his father committed suicide. Sharon is so sorry.  She tells Marcel to take all the time he needs.

The procedure went well. When the baby is delivered they will do a permanent repair. The fat her says he had a bad experience in India. Katherine is surprised he was in India. Was he in any countries. 

Green thinks Charles is his lawyer and starts screaming as he is taken away. Sharon realizes Bert can get the help Green can't. It's time to put him in a facility.

Archer told Sean the drugs are gone and the cops won't bother with such a small amount. Margo adds incarceration wouldn't help. Sean claims that's what got him sober. Margo says that can make the problem worse. Sean doesn't understand why Archer isn't all zero tolerance anymore. Archer kicked him out! The only way junkies change is if they are locked up. He says Archer betrayed him.

Asher asks what is going on with Marcel. Maggie asks Doris to cover and goes to check on him.  He asks her how Bill did it. It was a handgun. He says he knows how he felt. He didn't have a fun when he lost his daughter. Maggie didn't know. What saced him after was his work. When he sent Colin home, knowing he was gonna die, it put him right back there again. He felt helpless, nothing he could do. He never took the time to grieve.  Maggie doesn't know what to say. She takes his hand. He appreciates her. 

Bert notices lots of old folks here. He says he has a home. Sharon says there was a fire. He doesn't want to go with the staff Sharon tries to convince him he'll like it. The staff says he'll be fine.  The staff takes him and Tara and Sharon cry. Sharon turns and Dennis is there. She thanks him for coming and cries in his arms.

Pawel is back and has been beaten up. Ripley can't treat him. Pawel claims Ripley beat him up. Lili believes him and claims Charles always takes her side. The police ask if Ripley has anything to say. Ripley walks away.

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Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 13 Quotes

Cop: Shackles stay on.
Ripley: Why? He's not going anywhere.
Cop: Don't let him fool you. That guy is a cold blooded killer and one son of a bitch.

Sharon: I just don't want to burden you.
Dennis: Burden me? You must not think a lot of me if you think I'd be burdened by your problems.