Final Showdown - Claws
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Ken cleans up Bryce's bullet wound. Polly forges Uncle Daddy's confession to pin Tony's killing on him. Jenn isn't escaping to Cuba with the rest of Desna's crew because she refuses to leave without her daughters. Polly gains access to the baron's offshore account. Bryce urges Jenn to consider running but she refuses. Dean and Eve work to turn Quiet Ann's baby. Ann hears all of Jenn's irate call to Dean about Desna's plans. DEA Agent Lori is pushing Ann to get her more intel. Polly and Virginia pick up Baylor and Brianne from E.J. So now the Husser family is planning their escape as well. Ann shows Lori Clay's body. The police arrest Virginia for Georgia's murder. Georgia's murder was caught on a new traffic camera. Desna won't leave without Virginia but Virginia confesses. Ken and Confetta pose as ICE agents to spring Virginia. Desna says a tearful goodbye to Dean via Facetime. To say goodbye to Ken, Polly buys him a medical practice. Desna distracts the DEA with a fake heroin deal. Ann tells Lori they're going to the wrong place then she puts a bomb on Desna's boat. Ken stops Dean from rushing to Desna's side. Desna and Ann shoot at each other as the DEA closes in. Ann wounds Desna but Desna kills Ann. Desna and her crew escape aboard the boat. Then it blows up. Two months later, Dean and Eve have redesigned Desna's condo. Ken returns from a trip to Vegas and picks up his cat. He hands Dean an envelope that he found outside which has a cassette inside. Desna explains how their deaths were faked as part of a plan developed by her and Ann. They're all living in Havana, as is Roller. Ann's water breaks.

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Claws Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

You know what? Des will find a way. Her black ass always does. It's not the first time she's been in a shitstorm and gotten out.

Jenn [to Polly]

Ken [to Bryce]: You're lucky. It looks like the bullet went clean through.
Jenn: Oh, thank Jesus Jim Caveziel!