Mai Tai Pool Side -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 1
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Flashbacks to when Chozen was a child and his uncle Sato trained him.

Jonny and Robby's van gets towed.

Miguel finds out that Luis isn't Hector's biological kid. Hector mentions that he was married once and wanted kids but she left.

Hector invites Miguel out.

Chozen trains with Tory.

Silver tries to feel him ut.

Robby and Johnny do a hot pepper challenge for more cash.

Miguel calls Carmen and is angry that she lied to him. Silver invites Chozen to his home to get to know him better.

Tory confronts Silver about him paying off for her to win. Carmen updates Johnny and they head to a cage fighting match where Hector and Miguel are.

Miguel starts to realize that Hector has a past.

Johnny and Robby show up at the club wearing shirts that say FBI asking for Hector, and he's warned about them.

Hector grows suspicous of Miguel and questions him, checks him for a wire, and demands to know things. Goes through his phone too then apologizes when he doesn't find anything.

Johnny ends up fighting the MMA fighter as Hector and Miguel leave.

Silver shows off his samurai sword and other things to Chozen and talks about his rivarly. They continue to bond. Chozen says he's not sold on Cobra Kai and wants to know what the endgame is because he can see through Silver.

Hector tells Miguel that they have to lay low for a while a week or so and that Maria is only after his money so he's not worried about them.

Hector ends up telling Migue things about how he was in Ecuador and how Carmen hated what he did and he regrets nothing of his ways.

Miguel calls his mother to apologize.

Johnny shows up just in time and Miguel cries, reuniting with him.

Silver confronts Chozen because he knows who he is. Chozen used the wrong word when he toasted at their dinner.

Silver offers triple to the person tho takes Chozen down.

Chozen kicks all their asses and lays down his threat against Silver if he continues to expand or come after the LaRussos.


Cobra Kai
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Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Silver: I have a plan that will make cobra Kai and karate as synonymous as Starbucks and Coffee.
Chozen: And what is this plan?
Silver: That's something I only feel comfortable revealing to my second in command. If you'll have the job.

Now we draw line. No more expansion. No more senseis. No challenge Miyagi-do. Do not come near Larusso family. You cross line, you will beg for mercy.
