Jenny Cooper  - Coroner Season 1 Episode 1
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Jenny's husband has an aneurysm at their son's swim competition. There is a black dog who licks him.

Three months later, she is in therapy, using self-help tapes, and taking medication.

Jenny is the new coroner at a crime scene. She meets Detective Donovan McAvoy, homicide, and detective Taylor Kim. There are two presumed suicides in juvie.

The kids were doing a play. Danielle was playing Juliet and Kevin was playing Romeo. Kevin's roommate Sneax has a seizure/overdose. Jenny saves him and does tests on the vomit. 

Alison Trent gets Jenny through security to work with pathologist, Dr. Peterson. She thinks the abrasion on the heal of the girl is significant but he thinks she is a novice. Jenny fires Dr. Peterson for releasing the bodies without thoroughly examining them. She gets a sample by going to the funeral home and brings it back to have it tested. 

Jenny and her son talk about teen suicide/his father's death. Jenny screams/cries/gets upset about her husband's gambling, which now means they will have to sell their house.

Footage from the prison is erased every two weeks, including from th time of the suicides. 

Jenny goes to the home of a dead old woman. She meets Liam, who is doing some work there and he asks her out for a beer. She tells him about her husband and h tells her he killed people in Afghanistan. They hook up in the back of a truck.

Jenny and Det. McAvoy deduct that a guard was testing drugs on kids and covered up the overdose to make it look like suicide. They arrest the guard.

Jenny thinks she sees the black dog in her house.


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Coroner Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Jenny: Go change the baby.
Taylor: You know I'm a detective, right?
Jenny: That's how I know you can find the diapers.

Dr. Peterson: She convulsed when she hanged
Jenny: She was actually suspended and her shoes were on when I found her so, I don't think so.
Dr. Peterson: You don't think so?
Jenny: I had an instinct.
Dr. Peterson: How can you have instincts when you don't know anything?
Jenny: I'm s- I'm sorry, what?
Dr. Peterson: They're called guesses. What you're doing is guessing. I've been a pathologist for 20 years and before this, you were what, a GP?
Jenny: I was an ER doctor.
Dr. Peterson: I stay competent year after year and the coroners just get younger and more, but how bout this, I will write up my findings and then you can sign off on them, okay?