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A burn victim was discovered on the side of the road after having been tossed from a moving car. An examination of marks on the body showed that the man had been electrocuted in an electric chair. Tire marks at the scene made the CSI believe that the electric chair was in the back of a truck.

Greg got the number of Ellen Whitebridge, a school teacher touring the lab, and became romantically involved with her. However, Greg's suspicions were aroused when he caught Ellen looking at files from the case he was working on. He followed her to a night club where he learned that she was burlesque performer Rita von Squeeze, and had a sinister looking manager. Greg ran a print he had collected from the night club and discovered that Ellen's manager, Roderick Hammerbacher had a history of mental illness and violence.

Two bodies were discovered that were burned in a similar fashion as the initial burn victim. While trying to discern the victims' possible connections to each other Greg recognized one of the victim's last names. All three victims were related to people involved in a murder/cover-up orchestrated by gangster Bugsy Seigel, and Ellen was the granddaughter of the couple destroyed by it.

Greg received a call from Ellen asking him to meet her because she was afraid, and when he arrived at the diner he was immediately shot at. Meanwhile, the police and CSI closed in on Hammerbacher who killed himself in the electric chair after confessing that he was only doing what Ellen had asked him to do.

Ellen was about to escape on a bus when Greg found her, and had her arrested for the murders of the three men.

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CSI Season 11 Episode 12 Quotes

Catherine: What did Jell-O man ever do to you?
Ray: Some men were just made to suffer.

Why can't people die closer to the road?
