Emily and Lavinia spa - Dickinson Season 2 Episode 7
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Thinking she’s blown her shot at publication, Emily becomes depressed.

Mrs. Dickinson tries to help with a trip to the spa, and she, Emily, Lavinia, Aunt Lavinia, and Sue set off, despite Edward's complaints about it being expensive.

Emily desperately needs to talk to Sue, but Sue just wants a day to unwind.

The pair later converse, and Emily blames Sue for pushing her toward Sam. Emily doesn’t believe she’ll be published, but Sue is ever the optimist.

Lavinia checks in on Emily and gives her good advice.

Emily confesses to Mrs. Dickinson she's fallen in love, and Mrs. Dickinson says no one should make Emily feel like this.

Upon arriving home, Sam tells Emily her poem will be on frontpage of newspaper tomorrow.

Emily then gives Sam all her poems.

Jane seeks out Austin’s help in writing her will and wants Austin to be her son’s executor and legal guardian should she die.

Austin and Jane then share a kiss.

Betty isn’t happy with Henry’s newspaper and is worried about him and their family.

Lastly, Emily runs into George at spa, who has separated from his wife.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Edward: This is ridiculous. You’re going to spend even more money on some experimental voodoo after we wasted a fortune on that silly opera.
Mrs. Dickinson: Emily is sick. She can barely get out of bed. What if she has the measles? Or worse, spiritual measles?
Edward: What the hell is that?
Mrs. Dickinson: I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out.

Mrs. Dickinson: Get up, Emily.
Emily: No, don’t make me go.
Mrs. Dickinson: Today is going to be good for you.
Emily: But I hate my life, and I truly want to die.
Mrs. Dickinson: And that’s exactly why we need a spa day.