Hanging Around - Doom Patrol
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A boat carrying Rita, Cliff, Jane, and Vic is steered by a dark hooded figure.

Rita concludes they're dead. Cliff doesn't want to admit Vic was right about Garguax. Jane insists that they can bust out of Death.

They all start to feel strange and everyone except Rita passes out.

The boat approaches a dock. Rita fakes a swoon as more hooded figures approach.

Larry wakes up in the mansion when someone rings the doorbell. He finds four boxes, containing the bodies of the team members.

In the Underworld, the team members are being transported by hand wagon and then hung on meat hooks. Rita opens her eyes and blames herself for getting them into this situation.

The unconscious team members are living out their purgatories.

Cliff is walking on a dirt road when a truck rolls up driven by his father.

Vic trips on a trail, following his mother.

Kay is reunited with her grandmother. Jane is there too.

Dorothy returns to the mansion. Larry welcomes her back. He's wrapped all the bodies in bandages like his to preserve them. He's also arranged them seated at the dining room table.

Dorothy makes them some pancakes. When Larry starts to stir the batter, he sees Rita screaming for help and drops the bowl. He tells Dorothy and she decides they need help.

In London, Danny arrives on the scene of a crime being investigated by the Dead Boy Detectives and Crystal. He brings them to the mansion. They are surprised that Larry and Dorothy can hear them. Larry can see them as well.

Larry is nominated to be the conduit for contacting the team members.

Cliff's hanging out with his dad while he hunts pegasus. When he confronts him about being a bad father, his dad intimates he was closer to Clara than Cliff.

Jane and Granny discuss how happy Kay is. Granny blames herself for letting Daddy take Kay and Elena. Jane assures her that Daddy doesn't hurt Kay anymore.

Vic talks with his mom. He shares about Roni with her. She hands a rock and starts hiking again.

Dorothy insists they try to contact all of their friends, not just Rita. As they start trying to contact the team, a couple of sex ghosts show up. Crystal shouts, "Turnip," at them and they disappear.

They try again and they reach Rita who starts speaking through Larry. She describes their surroundings and Edwin identifies it as the Tunnel of Souls, where the dead are processed.

While she's speaking, she's suddenly grabbed and yanked through the ceiling where a man with disfigured face cuts her bonds and tells her to fight. She runs.

Larry and Dorothy convince Crystal to help them get their friends back. Edwin is not interested since Death is looking for him and Charles. They get talked around and Larry is instructed on how to astral project himself to lead them to Rita. Except they actually hit him with a shovel to "kill" him.

Larry and the boys cross over. Edwin lectures them on the seriousness of their situation.

Cliff argues with his father while he's gutting a pegasus. He directs Cliff to his forever.

Dorothy tries to talk to Crystal.

Cliff sees his slot car on the ground and picks it up. In the library, the slot car starts glowing and Crystal takes it as a sign he's not fully dead yet. In his purgatory, Cliff is suddenly transported and wakes up hanging in the Tunnel of Souls.

Larry and the boys arrive at a tree, the portal to the Afterlife. The only way through is for Edwin to pay with pain.

Jane and Kay and Granny have a singalong. Granny sends Kay to get cookies and asks Jane what they'll do next. Jane wants to stay but Granny says that's not possible. She shows Jane a cabinet of dolls, one for every persona. She hands her the Jane doll and says that it's the strongest one of all. Jane asks how she could know that and Kay tells her Jane is her Granny's name.

A light shines in under the door and it's time to move on. Kay sees a paintbrush and picks it up. Jane wakes up in the Tunnel of Souls.

Larry asks Edwin about his feelings for Charles and points out that it's not considered abnormal anymore to be gay. Charles is jittery, standing next to the river of the dead, because he died in a lake.

Vic and his mom reach the top of the hike and she tucks the rock she gave him under a tree. She sees a lit path and directs Vic to it.

As he walks towards it, he sees one of his shoes. In the library, the shoe glows.

Crystal sees a chocolate bar on the table and Dorothy admits she put it out in hopes of contacting Niles.

Crystal shares her backstory of how she met the boys.

Vic wakes up. Cliff breaks his bonds and opens a hatch in the ceiling. As he climbs up, the Watchers surround him.

Rita is hiding when she hears Larry's voice. Larry and the boys find her. The disfigured man watches from a distance. They hear someone approaching and prepare to fight Watchers but it turns out to be Jane, Cliff, and Vic, carrying Watcher heads.

Edwin isn't impressed. They hear a woman's laughter and a woman appears. Charles tells Larry that she's not here for Larry and his friends.

Jane comes at the woman but Charles intercedes and hits her with his bat. She recovers quickly and throws Charles across the room.

The disfigured man runs in and tells Rita to take her friends and go.

The team and the boys run for the boat, the woman and Watchers in pursuit.

As they row away from shore, Cliff salutes her with his middle fingers and she projectile vomits green goo all over them. When it turns out to just be vomit, they celebrate.

At the dining room table, all the bodies reanimate and peel their bandages off.

Larry and Rita debrief their experiences. Rita still doesn't know who the disfigured man was. When Larry suggests he had the wrong Rita, she remembers that the drill lady had her face.

Jane and Cliff talk by the fire. They both admit they'll need help readjusting to life.

Vic tries to get into S.T.A.R. Labs systems but his access is still denied.

Dorothy decides to leave with Crystal and the boys to find a few things.

As they walk out, the drill woman comes down the stairs, singing. When asked who she is, she has no answer.

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Doom Patrol Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Cliff: Is this heaven?
Cliff's Dad: Well, up until about thirty seconds ago, I would've sworn it was.

If one ignores the fact that we appear to be dead, it's almost peaceful.
