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Anna is still in prison and Mary goes to visit her.

As Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson continue to look at cottages to buy, Mrs. Hughes seems nervous.

Rose’s father-in-law invites the Crawleys to Brancaster Castle for grouse-hunting season.

Violet announces that Princess Kuragin has been found and will be coming to Downton.

Robert is attending secret visits and will not tell Violet what he is doing. Meanwhile, Roboert is also contemplating revealing to Edith that he knows about Marigold.

Mr. Barrow fills in as Robert’s butler while the family is at Brancaster Castle. However, the Sinderby’s butler Stowell has an ax to grind with everyone, especially Tom.

Violet continues to deal with her butler and maid’s animosity toward each other and prepares for Princess Kuragin’s visit.  

Lady Sinderby and Tom bond while going hunting. Mary plots to find a way to put Stowell in his place. 

Anna reveals to Bates that her step-father abused her as a child and that the police might use this against her.

Mrs. Patmore makes a meal for Mr. Carson, Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Moseley, Mr. Bates and Daisy.

Lord Sinderby chastises Stowell for the meal being served and calls Tomas a stupid fool.

The meeting with Princess Kuragin is hostile and awkward with Isobel, Dr. Clarkson, Prince Kuragin and Violet all in attendance. 

Mrs. Danker comes to Mrs. Patmore for help making a broth for Violet.

Bates and Anna try to get Anna’s past experience with her step-father ruled as inadmissible.

Isobel and Lord Merton talk about how Isobel does not want to come between the relationship between a father and sons.

Mrs. Hughes reveals to Mr. Carson that she does not have money to invest in the cottage that he wants to buy because she has been paying for her sisters’ care.

Isobel receives a letter from Larry and decides that she cannot marry Lord Merton.

A woman named Diana and her son arrive at Brancaster Castle. Mary realizes that the incident may have been her fault as she told Barrow to embarrass Stowell.

Mr. Bates writes letters outlining his confession to the murder of Mr. Greene. 

Tom reveals to Edith that he knows the truth about Marigold. 

Mr. Moseley goes through the Bates' apartment and as a plan for helping Mr. Bates. When Robert returns he finds out about Bates' confession. Anna is released from prison. 

Robert reveals that his health problems are not as serious as he though and the family prepares for Tom's final Christmas at Downton. 

Mr. Moseley and Mrs. Baxter reveal that they identified which pub Mr. Bates had been at on the day Mr. Greene was murdered. 

Tom, Mary and Edith remember Sybil's memory as Tom prepares to leave for America. 

Violet reveals to Isobel that her and Prince Kuragin fell madly in love a long time ago and had planned to elope. 

Mr. Carson asks Mrs. Hughes to marry him. Mr. Bates comes to Downton Abbey to be with Anna on Christmas. 

Downton Abbey
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